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Everything posted by evoxtom

  1. evoxtom

    DayZ is Currently Unplayable (For Me)

    Tears and more tears. Report the bugs. Playing is optional if you believe you can't play it. Remember you opted into the testing phase of the game. So test and bug report.
  2. That's the whole point of my last post. There is too much military right now. That is not balancing a map. That's changing the play style of the whole game. It shouldn't be close to end game gear in an hour. It should take many playthroughs and luck to get all you need. People should not be afraid of the challenge in it. I don't care if it's zombie population, loot spawns, cars, bases, whatever... But there should be an incentive to explore more around the map than griefing at the coast.
  3. evoxtom

    Geared players on the coast

    I listed more than one base with various randomized mil loot spawns on the way to eliminate the congestion at NW only. Who knows what else is being added in the unfinished northern areas as well. When other things like base building is added in, I expect the populations will also push north into remote areas without loot incentive.
  4. evoxtom

    Geared players on the coast

    Instead of adding more bases, I say remove all the barracks and tents south. Keep nwaf and neaf as the only. Scatter crashed humvees with chances of mil loot across road ways, and bring back crashed helis by the north west. Possibly add random overrun checkpoints with mil loot in the north east. This will cause players spawning on the civilian loot coast to move north again.
  5. evoxtom

    Geared players on the coast

    I've been at the coast fully geared only to kill off the bandits and hand out supplies so people stop jumping off the nearest building, it's quite fun.
  6. evoxtom

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113953

    Doesn't dead player clean up over time go against painting the long term story of what has happened on the server? At least per restart...
  7. Are you that clueless? That's the whole point of spawning in the east.
  8. My suggestion - cut the the fucking mil spawns in more than half to begin with! We are really spoiling the new players and giving off the wrong perception of the survival aspect. Make the scenery more interesting and add in lore, along with zombie improvements and I'm sure the east will be "more interesting."
  9. If you're serious.. It sounds like you have the attention span of a fly. This game may not be for you just yet as additional things to do is still in the works. Just go over to BF if you want instant action with little travel time.Edit- the whole point of the spawn was to provide more of a progression from civ to mil loot.
  10. I will enjoy hunting down your group and others like it. Like you said, every play style is accepted. I now have a new objective. I hope to see you all sometime!
  11. evoxtom

    Increase Zombie Speed.

    At this point they need their detection tweaked, pathing fixed, and attack more varied before we enhance their speed. I like the current system as seeing they are so incredibly bugged right now.
  12. Cars and gas will be rare. You had to run to meet up with friends in the mod as well. I'm not sure why you expected 500 car servers. Private hives like this ruined the experience. If you don't like the game, you didn't have to buy it. We all knew it takes up a lot of time.
  13. evoxtom

    [SA]WeaponZ Survey

    Oh I can't wait for an AK, either it be a 74 or 47.
  14. evoxtom

    We need tents!

    We do not need tents yet. It will get too many people butthurt when the second wipe comes. I say only implement tents in the beta stage. Trust me, the balota situation is not what rocket envisioned and it will force a wipe to clean the number of rifles & mags in circulation.
  15. evoxtom

    Is it worth to walk far away ?

    I actually go up north and only been to balota once. All the houses up north normally go unlooted. I have no problem gearing up the same as those down south, without the risk. There are 3-4 military loot areas north anyways. Why not? Edit- if you're dying of thirst/hunger up north something is seriously wrong. Don't listen to last posters. If you don't want a DM experience every other minute of your adventure, go north. Stay north west if you want to hit military complexes and players every now and then.
  16. While I get what you're saying, my experience from the SA so far taught me: 1. The only way to force players north is because the lack of spawned items south. It makes sense anyways- the big cities would get scavenged the earliest. 2. Disease is more common in the south due to higher player numbers, thus forcing them to cleaner, more pristine items in the north (such as most canned food and water south is diseased or ruined from the get-go) 3. Hunting will need to be of great significance so that players move north to partake in it. 4. Higher chance of rare and pristine items for weaponry/ equipment in the north for a better sense of progression
  17. After reading your number one, top priority fix, I can't take the rest of your list seriously. It turns this game into WarZ and character revive slots... something far away from the hardcore experience that made the game what it is. I have no problem meeting up with friends as I understand the map and realize that a survival game is not convenient in certain aspects. Shame that your list is so detailed but that one suggestion just ruins my interest to read all of it.
  18. evoxtom

    Military bases

    The major worry I have with balota is the same. I also worry that zone is giving new DayZ players and extremely bad experience of what DayZ is all about. It's going to create a much more hostile/KOS player base because it's their only knowledge of how to approach players.
  19. Balota tents should be removed entirely while leaving the control tower + hangers. Players should have to move up north with their basic weapons to obtain military loot... Which provides a more natural progression.
  20. There is no logic in the world that can make me agree sinking bodies is a good thing. It won't curb KOS. KOS is more of a instinct now a days. Besides, the world is suppose to be in shambles. Others are going to protect themselves and their friends naturally. Trust is a difficult thing now.
  21. evoxtom

    OIffline Mode...

    You bought a multiplayer game that is heavily unfinished and now demand the ability for solo play? Let's get multiplayer right first, okay? Smdh.
  22. evoxtom

    M4A1s are Common and Overpowered

    No way are they overpowered but they are too common. If this game reverts to the old "100" hits to kill a player like the mod was forced to do, I'll probably flip this time. The damage seems to be fine and authentic right now. Three to four shots with an M4 seems fair. It's all about placement.
  23. evoxtom

    Disappearing Bodies and combined magazines

    Kinda wish the fly noise would come back with dead bodies.
  24. evoxtom

    Noticed the Buildings sway after running around

    It comes from your exhaustion and it's just an illusion. If you've played many sports and have been slightly dehydrated you'll know the feeling. Not sure if it is intended. Some goes for heat waves as they rise.
  25. I never knew so many DayZ players were all about aesthetics. I thought we were all more about the "game" over looks. But I suppose not. TBH, the inventory is fine. The font is fine (feels RE to me over anything, which is nice.) Wait, people are complaining about font too? Do we all remember what the current inventory looks like? This is much better than Arma 2 and 3... This is simple, clean, effective. I don't want to be oogling my pretty UI when I should be scavaging. It's very distracting.