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About odin1899

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. odin1899

    Six Updater download issue

    Sixupdater is a crappy piece of bloatware allright. Crummy toolbars and stuff are being shipped with a lot of tools these days (MicroTorrent, Foxit Reader to name 2 :\ ).
  2. odin1899

    Tent city levelled.

    This....guard your stuff or risk losing it (be it stealing or destroying).
  3. odin1899

    Make whiskey bottles/alcohol useful!

    And start bleeding faster because of the thinner blood...
  4. odin1899

    Chibigoat's Adventures In Elektro

    Unfunny and pointless.
  5. odin1899

    More Than 1 Character?

    The work around is installing another copy of Arma 2.
  6. odin1899

    Can i Play Day Z with this?

    For 99,9% of all laptops no. There might be some exotic laptops which have upgradeable graphic cards.
  7. odin1899

    Raw Meat

    I find I need to have another pile of wood in my active inventory when I light the fire. Then I move the raw meat from backpack to active inventory and BBQ it. (Well not anymore since I can't get any wood because I refuse to carry around a giant 10 slot axe..).
  8. odin1899


    Here's a link to the old files if anyone can't find it: http://cdn.armafiles.info/old/ I rolled back to 1.7.0 too.