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Everything posted by Jardrhin

  1. I actually have been doing a fair amount of reparting. First you say posting feedback here on the subject is useless because it's a contract bewtween owner, GSP etc. then you criticize for not posting useful info. Which is? Post it here or don't? Also, despite your condescending assumptions, no I haven't done anything wrong or have any naming issues. Yes, I have tried to join some non-official servers and if you had actually read my post on that thread you would understand why when I stated: The advice to join an "official server" is all well and good but... Currently all of those servers are dark to those of us trying to play after normal work hours on the West Coast. Typically I dont mind playing in the dark as needed, but after a new patch with Zs reintroduced and a character wipe, I'd really like to be able to see what's going on. I appreciate that you have to deal with a large number of Dbags i your job but I don't feel that gives you the right to present the attitude you have or make the assumptions you have about what I am doing or not doing as a result. I am typically a player who keeps to themselves and simply tries to enjoy their gaming experience. This situation is preventing me from doing so and I am extremely frustated by it. Where else do we go to express these things or bring these issues to public light in addition to following the reporting structure inplace?
  2. Posted on a thread regarding this topic yesterday by Boneboy that they have since locked and buried: "No details, no proof just another game sucks comment from a known gamesucks member. Waste of space. Hogwash." If the the forum admins themeselves respond in this manner to a thread with a dozen or so players voicing frustration on this topic, what are we to expect in terms of resoution of this problem. I am embarrased I ever PAID to be a tester for this game. I was so very excited and invested in this game but after this experience since the patch, never will I play it again.