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Everything posted by coverfirehero

  1. coverfirehero

    CFH's Suggestions

    1. No more instant disconnect. It should take time to disconnect from the server. People have created macros to instant disconnect from the server which allows for exploits. If they run into trouble, they just hit the disconnect button, go to a different server, move, and then log back in behind you. 2. No more instant reconnect. If you recently logged out there should be a timer before you can log back in. Let's say five minutes. This will prevent further exploiting. As it is right now, the easiest way to get loot is to find a loot spot and then hop around on servers looting to your hearts content. It's not fun, but it's safer and more efficient than farming. 3. Players grow longer and longer beards to indicate how long they have been alive. 4. Silenced weapons should be removed and silencers should be added that can modify certain weapons. 5. It makes no sense for weapons to take special silencer ammo. 6. Add a river to the terrain.
  2. coverfirehero

    CFH's Suggestions

  3. coverfirehero

    US group looking for more

    Everything that guy just said is bullshit. ha. And your simile is a meaningless cliche. If you were worth the words I might have called you a name but you're too child-like.
  4. coverfirehero

    US group looking for more

    Read this thread before you decide to join http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=12934 Just a heads up.
  5. coverfirehero

    US group looking for more

    So much butthurt. You'd think we killed your dog or something. I bet you'll have four more angry rage posts within an hour after I make this reply. You're hopeless man. It is amusing though. Butthurt is the best you could come up with. Too bad ya'll are kicking everyone off your server because you're scared wussies. You're lucky I missed with my sniper earlier at the FH at the NW airport, but in my defense I was at 800 meters out. It was funny watching you run for the hills.
  6. coverfirehero

    US group looking for more

    LOL... You're a fucking retard... Salous, you need to buy a thesaurus. The word retard usually means that the person using it has a low IQ otherwise they would have a wider range of vocabulary. This is retarded. That's retarded. You're retarded. Grow up.
  7. coverfirehero

    US group looking for more

    Neat. I found a URAL in the woods. Did you guys need that? Muahaha! One vehicle down and under my control. :)
  8. coverfirehero

    US group looking for more

    I have a mission if you choose to accept it. Go on their teamspeak server and join their group as my undercover agent. As soon as you find the location of their group and their vehicles, you will turncoat and kill them, and then we will take their vehicles.
  9. coverfirehero

    US group looking for more

    They'll shoot you in the back of the neck. They don't care.
  10. coverfirehero

    US group looking for more

    I'm not raging. I never raged. It's a really weak ad hominem (as per the stupidity of my adversaries). I'm having fun and getting revenge because you guys invite people to join your group, so that you can kill them and take their stuff when they get there. You can't betray someone and then expect them not to retaliate. I've even gone around to inform people in Teamspeak servers and various anti-bandit groups of your operation. (Hence the increase in people on your server). That's why government do cover-ups and don't throw people under the bus. Now everyone knows Atlanta 31 is a bandit clan server. That you guys have four vehicles. Look for them around the NW airfield! They have a Jeep, a bus, and a few other vehicles chock full of weapons and equipment and are most active when it gets dark out. I'm looking for their base right now. Add me on Steam "coverfirehero" if you want to help hunt griefer bandits who try to appear as normal human beings on internet forums, but are a figurative facsimile of the cannibals in "The Road." Oh, and if you haven't noticed I'm already attacking you in the game under various pseudonyms. I would've had you all last night but then it got dark out and I lost track and got killed by a glitch a shortwhile after. Nice try with the decoy flare though. As soon as my friend Nick gets the game, you guys are toast. He's a sgt. with two tours of Iraq and Afghanistan and mad fps skills.
  11. coverfirehero

    US group looking for more

    I never raged about anything. That's completely fabricated. I was booted because I don't fit in with a bunch of immature idiots. Your "coordinated looting" involves playing on empty servers, running from building to building, and then disconnecting from the game using macros. Your "training," from what I experienced, involves camping out in a building and logging into other servers to kill unsuspecting noobs. Oh, and I should add that the end result of this "training" was your entire team getting killed by one person. I might be new to DayZ, but I'm CAL-I. You probably don't know what that means. You're going to find out. I'm out there now gathering weapons, and I know where you are and where you're going to be.
  12. coverfirehero

    US group looking for more

    This is a team of morally depraved sycophants. They're completely devoid of intellect and inept skillwise. If you enjoy fart jokes, racist bigotry, and general stupidity, this is the team for you. If not, log into Atlanta 31 and please kill them. They have the clan name -TS-. They have it say their server is running a lower version so people do not join their server, but its actually running the correct version. Right now, they're gathering vehicles and stocking up on gear at the NW airfield. Their plan is to raid Dallas 11.
  13. coverfirehero

    Survivor Commonwealth [Recruiting]

    I would like to join.