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Everything posted by HxM

  1. Hey, like I saw on Twitter they Update all Servers right now. Whats about the pers. server? Are all tents and cars are gone? best regards
  2. HxM

    M4 Spawning in 0.59?

    On my own server someone have an m4. He killed me and I checked the admin log. So I think you're just unlucky.
  3. HxM

    "You were kicked from the game"

    on how many servers you tried to connect?
  4. HxM

    Are Vehicles persistant in 0.59?

    Hey, they are persistant ofc. But I guess you have the same problem like me yesterday. The Provider Vilayer ( or maybe all providers? ) shut down all servers for like 10 mins cuz of a update. All tents, cars and what ever were removed. I contacted the ticket support and behold -> they restored a backup.
  5. HxM

    -newui, bugs and workarounds

    it looks noble cuz of the dark design, but its buggy as f*ck, unfortunately. Very sad because I need the invisible slots of the car & military tent inventory. It would be nice if someone can tell me a a solution to scroll down without the new ui?
  6. Hello, the ticket support takes so long time - so I hope someone can help me. What I did: pitch a tent - wait 5 mins - restart the server - tent is gone Looks like Persistence is disabled but just check the console log out: Web panel settings: https://gyazo.com/9abf04333e25f7ee9b5f7532db1e5e4f I really hope that someone can help me. best regards