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About dknight903

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  1. dknight903

    Looking for some players

    What name is it under? I had 3 new ones
  2. Hey guys me and my friends play on a overpoch server and we are looking for a couple of more guys to work with us. We are all pretty geared up and can handle our own in those difficult situations. If u are looking for a group to hook up with then look me up on steam col_knight
  3. Hey guys I have a dayz server running on my other pc. I set it up using dayz control center. I would like to add some scripts but everything I have read says I have to edit my dayz_mission.pbo file. I dont have one or cant seem to find it. Could anyone please help understand were the server is getting it pbo info. This is a standard new instal of Dayz. Thanks
  4. dknight903

    US #1357 Locked server

    I never said the server was locked! Your taking that from context.. LOL U running for office!!!
  5. Yea me and 1 of my friends got killed by a invisible hacker tonight. so we fill your pain!!
  6. dknight903

    US #1357 Locked server

    You want to know what really funny? If more people "LIKE U" Would spend more time looking for the hacker and stop crying about every locked server u come across then maybe just maybe there would be less locked servers. Dont know just saying. If u care to donate we would love to have u in our testing server. But be warned it does crash alot so save your gear...
  7. dknight903

    Fairly new looking for group

    www.icesoldier.com or u can contact me via steam col_knight
  8. Answered on in this topic. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/36295-admin-abuse-us-069-chicago/page__hl__knight
  9. dknight903

    Admin Abuse : US #069 Chicago

    Yes I am a Server admin but im not the server owner. Unfortunatly the server did crash at that moment. We have logs from our server provider to back this up. The Server crashed and it took awhile for it to be able to run again. Upon request I can provide a copy of the transcripts from the server owner and tech support to a DayZ admin. Also I really like the colorfully names you guys chose upon re entering our server.
  10. dknight903

    Poll on Zombies

    One thing I dont like is that they can hear me from a good distance but If I have my back to them I cant hear them running up on me till they have already attacked me.
  11. dknight903

    Shoot on Sight

    We don't seek out people to kill however if we feel that u may be a threat your dead.
  12. dknight903

    Just for FYI

    You know I really like this MOD however if this was to really happen and you guys are trying to make this real as possible. then most people that don't have guns would be dead by the time things got this bad. The ones that make this far would have some kind of weapons for protecting them self's :) I think we should spawn in with a Some kind of a shotgun.