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Everything posted by Zeromair

  1. Great server... all the vehicles and custom towns are nice!
  2. Anyways i died to a hacker on another server and spawned in on the server i have a tent on. As i make my way from the beach i hear a 50cal go off so i go to investigate . I see him in the usual spot and sneak up on him. I was hoping he had a gun in his backpack but he did not =/ so i yelled BOO as loud as i could in direct comm and he turned and saw me and logged off .
  3. It was a 24 slot coyote backpack.....Yes we are REDNECK's. Thanks for the compliment.
  4. After patching the game today i can no longer play campaign, scenarios, bootcamp, editor, or Use the Shooting Range mod. All it does is load in and Show me a shot of scenery. The editor no longer allows me to place a player to play as other than survivor/bandit/rocket etc and it also gets stuck just looking at a piece of scenery.
  5. Zeromair

    problems after patch today

    No error messages
  6. Zeromair

    problems after patch today

    Anyone have a way to fix this? i like playing Arma 2 as well as dayz
  7. Zeromair

    Spawn in mid air = DEAD

    The same thing happened to me about a week ago.. I logged on fell through the trees and died. Was unable to find my body tho when i ran back to that area.