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Posts posted by misterWu

  1. Hey, I have some questions.


    1. Can you maybe tell something about the progress of the megaphone?

    2. I would love to see an option that a player can handcuff himself. I think one could make interesting hold ups on an 1on1 situation: The "attacker player" may drop some handcuffs/rope/duct tape on the floor and asks his victim nicely (while pointing a gun at him) to handcuff himself. This way, the attacker player is safe to arrest his victim. Currently, the attacker can be easily knocked out, while trying to handcuff someone.  Any chances for this? It may reduce KOS. What do you think?

    3. On a scale between 1-10 (1 = little where you want the Zombie A.I. to be; 10 = pretty much where you want the Zombie A.I. to be). Which number would you currently assign?
