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Rub The Buddha

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About Rub The Buddha

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Rub The Buddha

    Crossfire! (New Intro)

    Checkout my Latest DayZ Video!
  2. Rub The Buddha

    My Side of the Mountain

    Check out the shot at the end, i've never been more proud! (PS Sorry about brightness it was super dark and stuff.)
  3. Rub The Buddha

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Quick Tip! If you are playing in .59 and you find a car that is flipped... a nice Off-road with a spark plug, battery, and all its wheels and you are beyond ready to go on a roadtrip... but you make it ten feet down the road and flip. You're in luck, there is a fix for that! If your car ever flips, go find the nearest zombie and lure them to the flipped car. position the car between yourself and the Zombie and wait for it to glitch into the car. then take a step back in shoot the deady in the head. 9 time out of 10 it will laugh the car into the air and flip it, ready to roll again!