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Posts posted by bcharlez

  1. @Hicks_206 (DayZ) When is the next iteration of audio updates now that DayZ has gotten the Eden tech from A3 and updated weapon sounds? I've been keeping up with the dev communications and it doesn't sound like it's slated for 0.62 or 0.63. I'm particularly dying for the ambient sfx that have been sitting on the Trello for quite some time!




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  2. Hi Hicks I have a question: Will body armour in DayZ ever function realistically (as DayZ is aiming for simulation), or is it down to the modders?


    The reason I say this, is because firstly: armour such as helmets and plate carriers (assuming they have metal plates in them) should be able to indefinitely absorb low caliber bullets, such as .22, and currently they become ruined after a few shots which realistically would only scratch them.


    Secondly, a "bounce" mechanic would be realistic - if a bullet hits your helmet at too high of an angle (ie: the top of your head is poking just out of cover and the bullet hits the very top where the armour is at the highest angle), the bullet would ricochet and do little/no damage (perhaps some shock). This could well also apply to chest plates; if you hit someone's chest armour at an angle, it should do nothing and just ricochet.


    These ideas would add a whole new level to PvP in game, while also being realistic and increasing the value of high-grade military gear. Perhaps even separating metal plates from the plate carrier and making them extra rare to balance them or something similar. Thanks.


    These things are already in the game. Check the following videos from WOBO:


  3. if the open alpha is for users test the product, why are you developing the core of the engine in this stage? Users can't test the engine, i can't report to you that you are not allocating memory in the correct way, but a can report to you that the zombie's ai is not working properly. Why don't you did it in the closed alpha(2013), or maybe why didn't you extend it?


    Because it was only after the money they received from the sales were they able to fund such a rework. The success of the standalone's early access model allowed for development of things that originally did not seem possible. This is why they can now afford to build an entirely new engine for future Bohemia games alongside the current content development of DayZ. Initially they had no idea they would be able to afford funding the creation of a new engine. It's a good thing, so stop being negative.

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  4. Hi Hicks, thanks for another QA.


    First off, I'd like to say, amazing work with the recent 0.59 experimental builds. I logged 400 hours between 12/13 release and 4/14. I'm coming back from a long break since then and it's nice to see how far CLE, persistence, zombies, vehicles, and desync have come. I could ask a million questions, but right now my main ones follow:


    1) Despite how great of an experience the current 0.59 exp is, the extended night-time and accelerated day-time really detracts from it in my opinion. Will you be tuning the day/night cycle for experimental any time soon? Why not 1 hr real time = 2 hr game time, so that a 12 hr session mimics a full day in-game?


    2) Will the 12 hr up-time we see in 0.59 experimental be enforced in stable when it gets pushed, or will it be dependent on the admins' choice for that server, similar to time acceleration? The constant restarts really break immersion and I didn't notice much of a performance hit with the 12 hr duration in experimental.


    3) Are there any plans for giving players a queueing system for entering a server that is filled? And when are 75-man servers making a return?


    Edit: I just realized this question was asked in your QA last time and you said:


    This was pushed out just a bit - still in progress, but some other tasks were bumped in priority. (Server perf, player position sync, etc)



    Any updates since then on the development of the queuing system? If not 0.59 stable can we hope for something in 0.60 exp?


    4) As is currently stands, the throwing physics in-game consists of a mixture of old and new tech, which still results in a very crude placeholder system. When will we see a newer more robust system taking over the legacy stuff? It is still near impossible to tell where an object lands when you throw it with the current system.


    5) How is work going on the updated ambient sfx? When can we expect to see this implemented? Will this include a fix for hearing the ocean from across the map?


    6) What is the current vs planned status for randomizing door states, gun conditions, and chance of ammo spawning with guns? 


    7) We saw a sneak peak of the motorbike recently. Any plans for the return of the non-motorized bicycle from the mod? What about skateboards, scooters (motorized or not), or other small mounted methods of getting around? When boats come in, will there be motorized AND non-motorized options?


    8) How would you like the idea of players being able to man a handcar on the railroads for an alternative means of getting around the map? I think it's time we put the tracks to good use!



    9) How is internal work on the new ui and server browser going? When can we expect to see more updates on those from the design team? The performance enhancement is great but functionality-wise and aesthetically they are still very lacking.


    10) Currently you can fall off of a set of stairs, hurt your leg and foot, and ruin your pants (and everything inside of the pants) and shoes. Are there any plans for distinguishing between fall damage and weapon damage? I understand the leg and foot hurting if you fall, but I don't think it should always result in ruined pants and shoes.


    11) Any chance to get a spawning system that lets you choose a region but still adds randomness to where in that region you spawn? It's god awful trying to meet up with newbie friends now. I feel like you can give players some control over where they spawn and still not entirely sacrifice the random nature of exactly where.


    12) On that note, are there any plans for expanding upon the current armband technique for improvised buddy systems in-game to keep track of friends or represent your clan?


    13) Any news on player-controlled regions and how that would affect spawning?


    14) Right now, the current player migration behavior being instilled is spawning on the east/south-east coast and heading inland towards the northwest. Does the team have any plans for re-incentivizing visiting the northeast ? Any plans to spruce up the lackluster east coast so it's not just a marathon sprint to Berezino or Elektro?


    15) Any plans for implementing player mental states like in Project Zomboid? I'd be interested in seeing a player need to sleep, have interactions with others, smoke cigarettes, or play mini-games like darts to retain sanity.


    Edit: I saw a question about sleep being answered with a NO from you:


    6) Definitively no. Sleep seemed like an interesting idea - but it just put the player in too many situations we weren't comfortable with. That said, Enforce Script should EASILY allow modders to do just that!



    I am interested to hear your thoughts on those other things, however. Mental states like panic might make your heart beat fast and have high chance to faint or something in a fight, or reduced player interaction maybe making you hallucinate.


    16) When will things like flu and accompanying symptoms like fever/chills join the two diseases currently in the game?



