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Posts posted by masontamason@yahoo.com

  1. I just posted a thread giving my thought' date=' every call alpha version to justify everything.

    The item you spawn with, the speed of zombie, the intelligence of zombie has NOTHING TO DO WITH ALPHA. I carefully checked if it had anything to do with bug. If you fucktard can't even make the difference between a bug and a setting, you shouldn't even reply. A zombie that open door is not a bug. A zombie that teleport to you is (this is why I didn't mention it) I just gave my thought on where you guys were heading. So next time you go on a thread, don'T tl;dr and then reply with you're big fucking artist crap example. the worst thing I saw was the guy saying how it was like going on to see the guy making a building say it wasn't over. the appropriate example would have been something like this: it's like going to see those guy that opened the building so people could go try it and start telling them what you don't like about it. I agree it's not super friendly and it create butthurt on both side, but seriously, try taking some god damn fucking note out of them. If some player want thing but some don't, make a fucking option. Now if you think that alpha phase justify everything, you are a fucking retard. Alpha phase are out there so people can give their thought on the game and the devlopper can adapt to it. I give my thought on the game, maybe dev will take note (like most company does) and maybe they won't because they have reason for this. I'm not going to strat giving them crap because they don't listen to a comment, I won't give them crap in any way. Just because I say you're zombie intelligence doesn't make sense especially in a survival game and the item you start with are random doesn't mean I say the whole game suck.

    This thread was addressed to the fucking moron who replyed like a bunch of fucktard mindless fanboy to my previous thread. I won't reply again.

    to those fanboy, fuck you.


    It hurts my eyes to read this, actually I think I just lost some brain cells. Use spell check it makes you not look like a twelve year old kid with a raging boner for stupid names.

  2. Im going to have to uninstal this because its become more of a frustration then actually having fun which is what games are meant for.

    Either backpatch to 1.7.0 or don't play anymore. Myself and a ton of friends are staying at 1.7.0' date=' some are currently going back to 1.7.0, and a growing number are quitting unless the next patch reverts that stupid respawn gear bullshit that was in this patch...or melee is added.

    Lol @ taking away startup guns to add to "realism" when we can't even throw punches to defend ourselves from ZOMBIES that hit harder than a train even though their bodies should be in the late stages of decomposition which is not the same as being on PCP. What an awful decision for a game developer to make.


    It's in Alpha, now STFU you dumb fuck.
