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Everything posted by deltron3o3o

  1. nice hacks bro Begley184
  2. still having this problem... reinstall doesn't help... dayz commander and manually running doesn't work
  3. deltron3o3o

    Why the radio silence?!?

    no hurry still playing some new games atm XD
  4. so do u want ppl to only spawn in at the beach spawn locations?
  5. deltron3o3o

    [ADMIN ABUSE] US 1040 Colony

    1040 at it again
  6. deltron3o3o

    g36c SD

    it's legit n sux cco > holo
  7. deltron3o3o

    Why are the AS50 and M107 in the game?

    it belongs... pussy guns for pussy snipers
  8. deltron3o3o

    Un-lootable crash sites?

    try using a satchel charge
  9. deltron3o3o

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    so i go back to the server and find their not so secret stash of loot in the elektro dam[102,117] and as i look through their stash i get kicked so i keep getting kicked... kicking for no reason? w/o eyes there how do you know how i'm there? admin script:map/loot? pbx at the factory lake? why does the server reset when factory is overwhelmed? crate hidden in the factory? server ip:
  10. deltron3o3o

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    why is there a pbx in the back of the factory?
  11. the war z devs n fangirls look for populated[40+ players] servers and run their scripts/hacks to depopulated n demoralize ppl from playing dayz they are also behind the JFK assassination, 911, James Holmes, Illuminati, etc
  12. NEAF to Berez hospital roof :/
  13. deltron3o3o

    Character moaning?

    arma 2 bug
  14. deltron3o3o

    Big Foot In Day Z (Video)

  15. deltron3o3o


  16. deltron3o3o

    US 1396 11:10PM PDT

    server wide teleport to solnichniy and explosions everywhere died spawned in solnichney and saw where we all died about 4 players there talking asking dayzpro to spawn them some vehicles and make it night the other 2 looted bodies they see me n dayzpro shoots and kills me again
  17. deltron3o3o

    US 1396 11:10PM PDT

    this time at teleport i direct chat " gj dayzpro i have screenshots" n he leaves game this is after the 4th teleport and crates where everywhere. 11:35PM PDT
  18. deltron3o3o

    US 1396 11:10PM PDT

    teleported again and again still going on
  19. deltron3o3o

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    [Added] barbwire gfx glitches are reintroduced.
  20. deltron3o3o

    US 1226 philadelphia banned me for no reason

    BE job is to ban not yours