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Everything posted by deltron3o3o

  1. deltron3o3o

    Out of bounds item/vehicles cleanup [2012-07-06]

    wish battleye would ban players using that espn hack[shows tents/vehicles on ingame map] before they did this
  2. hide bodies is win since the person is more likely to rush back to his hidden body XD
  3. deltron3o3o

    ghillie sui

    castle school train station church cuz pastors keep one just in case they get "left behind" in a "rapture" XD female survivors o\
  4. maybe they hoarding all the vehicles n duping more barbwire before they tell us publicly what the new server name is
  5. deltron3o3o

    How many survivors did you killed

    idk wish this game had some kind of killboards like eve online victims' name + items
  6. cute btw i've screen n posted like 13 of =DRN= disconnecting and ghosting n still failing to defend their NWAF... this is another exploit 2 of us versus 13 =DRN= lol FAIL 5 down rest DC'd never came back
  7. deltron3o3o

    Found a "camp", what should I do?

    run everything over and setup new tents x3 for em to find empty
  8. i kill =DRN= clan there regularly and i haven't been banned
  9. deltron3o3o

    Military barricade in Cap golova

    LOL did someone get banned for posting this yet... obvious duping n that soldier outfit[HACK] well if they hacked that outfit then they probably didn't dupe anything since they can just spawn more sandbags/tanktraps/barbwire
  10. deltron3o3o

    Servers under attack still ?

    so ppl can try out ACE/ACRE/DOMINION2/etc?
  11. pistol g17 sniper lee ROY ENFIELD/akm [real sniper rifles are for pussies] smg mp5 carbine m4 AR m16 m203 lmg m249 best hatchet/vehicle
  12. deltron3o3o

    I KNOW you're an exploiter if you disagree

    insta nothing going on 10s zombie agro 30s if shots within a 500m radius 60s if you shot in the last 10m 2m if you have been hit within last 5m by zombie 5m if you have been hit within last 10m by player
  13. deltron3o3o

    DayZ equals Sociopath's/assholes

  14. deltron3o3o

    Everyone is a bandit now?

    if your not in TS = KOS clan tag = KOS gun is not holstered = KOS camo/ghillie = KOS L85/SDgun = KOS AXE = KOS vehicle = KOS play smart
  15. deltron3o3o

    Alpha end ?

    alpha beta ended awhile ago idk y but that was my favorite grocery store
  16. deltron3o3o

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    =DRN= clan DC'd on the friend n i even when it was 2 v 13 killed about 3[confirmed] +2[wounded/dead?] rest DC'd n tried to flank thru server jumps lol no contest they play on a UK server called League of Gentleman no PK [LuLz] they are an oceanic clan of DC'n noobs who still fail even w/ server jumping this happened btwn 2am-3am[PDT][uTC -7]
  17. deltron3o3o

    US Kansas 1 [LOCKED]

    locked server again mfwic and Mr Doodles [n0ob] only 2 in server
  18. deltron3o3o

    US Kansas 1 [LOCKED]

    jets are too fast to get the screen just right but go in u'll hear em fly by like every 30m
  19. deltron3o3o

    US Kansas 1 [LOCKED]

    2nd day in a row jets on this server
  20. deltron3o3o

    That thing you can't find

  21. deltron3o3o

    Disconnecting to avoid death

    buddits and fram3s 2v1 no scope fn fal 500m lulz
  22. deltron3o3o

    US 30 Colorado 1 Mass Death Hacker
