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Everything posted by deltron3o3o

  1. deltron3o3o

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    nothing was added in 1.7.2 [bear traps and rumored 2 new guns] ...they did remove a few items... only difference is the game is a bit optimized and zeds are much better... and lots of ppl are being teleported miles away from last log out.
  2. deltron3o3o

    new weps?

    no bear traps either... nothing added to the game but better zombies
  3. deltron3o3o

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    thread name changed to: QQ here
  4. run down a steep incline like it has always been running too fast = falling down
  5. lol i don't think any of these cities would have 100k pop
  6. deltron3o3o

    Build 1.7.2 Rolling Update

    sounds like a great patch no L85, no ghillie, zed run in buildings, and the best... bear traps missing: removing sniper scopes that have zeroing
  7. Hatchet, NVG, Ghillie, and Coyote Pack
  8. deltron3o3o

    DayZ Mythbusters

    zeds do agro from direct voip... i was in an apt the other night n one survivor on the roof yelled at me then all the zeds came rushing in, shortly we both died testing things w/ zeds is somewhat sketchy, since they are broken in many ways. ? 94444 ? gj on the vid
  9. deltron3o3o

    PVP is Out of Control.

    if you're worried about gear go play the other zombie mod where u start out w/ everything depending on wat class u choose
  10. it would be nice if we can use the hatchet or crowbar on a zed from behind w/o alerting it. but they would be able to hear us if not careful problems: they see us w/o line of sight *MGS =metal gear solid
  11. deltron3o3o

    who wants the spawn weapon back

    no gun yes crowbar[if they would work properly]
  12. deltron3o3o

    Hacker with Satchel Charges on US 136

    you exploited by hitting abort... and satchel charges are in game.
  13. deltron3o3o

    Seattle 30

    this server has many non-dayz vehicles can admin clean this up and ban the ones spawning or using the APC and other attack vehicles
  14. deltron3o3o

    Out of bounds item/vehicles cleanup [2012-07-06]

    GL going to the islands and looking
  15. deltron3o3o

    how many ppl will quit when.....

    thermal = anti-sniper on noob servers just mouse wheel n scan the tree line done snipers aren't he same as DCers, i agree they are cheap but no way invincible and make the best victims
  16. deltron3o3o

    Is PvP an American thing?

    no My AU friends pvp more than my CAN/US/EU friends combined i want to kno who DCs more
  17. deltron3o3o


    DC'ers you're carebears and this game is not for you.
  18. deltron3o3o

    Out of bounds item/vehicles cleanup [2012-07-06]

    who's my buddy storing stuff of them map? none of my buddies even use tents o\
  19. deltron3o3o

    how many ppl will quit when.....

    "omg omg someone is near me" ***alt f4*** ***logs back in*** "man i'm on the coast w/ a flashlight" can't wait for that day
  20. deltron3o3o

    Out of bounds item/vehicles cleanup [2012-07-06]

    lol everyone is ignoring the ESP Hacking can i have 2 bucks?
  21. deltron3o3o

    Out of bounds item/vehicles cleanup [2012-07-06]

    llol i like how everyone assumes nuke has a camp outside of the map
  22. if tags are on might as well since those are the noob servers why: that way they can tell who logged off[DC'd] then came back to kill em and they can get reported as for veteran/hardcore servers please no names tags are already cheap enough + give a reason to have range finders
  23. deltron3o3o

    Out of bounds item/vehicles cleanup [2012-07-06]

    225km is pretty small once you've played all around it for over a month+