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Posts posted by Realtarquinn

  1. @Konfucious K  exactly, thats how I meant ....I didnt mean to replace all the story books...only a chance to find some special books with instructions how to craft some things



    I have 2 problems with this idea


    1. If you NEED to read a book in order to craft something everytime you start a new game then no. After let's say fixing a car tie 50 times I know exactly what tools I need, what to do and how but I'm not able to do it because I need to search for a book that I need to pick up and click on it so it tells me "Ok NOW you can do it". That doesn't sound cool


    2. If it's just crafting instructions that tell you how to do something but then once you memorize it then no one is really gonna waste time searching for books, everyone will just google it and get instructions in 5 seconds 


    Nr.1 is exactly that what I wouldnt want in DayZ ...otherwise it would be like an MMORPG ^^


    And yes, you are right with Nr.2 ....I also did this few times because I didnt know whats craftable in DayZ. But thats like in most of the games and it's your own desicion how to handle this. Especially when you are new to a game you maybe want to find/find out stuff by yourself without immediately getting all informations via google. And my suggestion would it make easier than simply combine items you found to figure out if they have a special function.

    And why "wasting time to search for this books"? In DayZ you waste a lot of time searching for useful stuff....why not some instruction books too ^^

    Maybe simply depends on your playstyle....


    But, ok ....was only an idea to improve your knowledge of crafting ingame beside "learning by doing" or "trial and error".



    @MOSkorpion  Right, thats true (maybe because they just read it in a book ...? ^^) ...but that could be the most difficult way in DayZ ^^ Ok, if the other survivors are nice they still could teach you this after they shot you down :-P

  2. Heard something about a possible crafting menu in Dayz in the future and I really hope I misunderstood this. Please don't do this! One of the best things in DayZ is the effort to make DayZ as realistic as possible.

    So because it's difficult to find out by yourself what and how you can craft and what you need for it (except using the Inet for infos about it):


    Everywhere you can find and read books (but who really ever read the whole storys ingame...) -> how about finding books where you can read some crafting instructions ?

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