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Everything posted by lsaaq

  1. lsaaq

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Desync is really bad again & the rubberbanding is borderline unbearable. EDIT: Okay, I'm usually the person being super positive about everything, but I was just rubberbanding 20m+, people were desyncing all over the place (running into walls, freezing and teleporting, etc) and on the UK servers at least, my experience has been unplayable. Twice in a row, had a guy shoot me while he was on the other side of multiple walls on my screen. Got in a baseball bat fight and got clear hits on him maybe ten times and it registered it once. Hope they can figure this out fast, as .59 has been an absolute blast up until today. Two days ago when I last played, I was getting into gunfights with multiple parties and having literally no issues whatsoever on full 75 pop servers... in Berezino... with zombies.
  2. lsaaq


    Was playing a little late night DayZ. Wasn't recording, because I can't talk too loud this late (was maybe 3AM at the time). I ran into a guy in Chernogorsk. He was really friendly, we spoke for about 5 minutes straight and then we arranged a trade. I had a Trumpet, but the only ammo I had was 9mm. He agreed to swap my 9mm for some .22. As I dropped the ammo, he pulled his gun and shot me in the face. I spawned in Chernogorsk. What happened next... He brought upon himself. Enjoy! :)
  3. lsaaq


    Haha, cheers dude, glad you enjoyed it. I certainly did. :P
  4. lsaaq

    I just wanted to be friendly.

    Here's a little video of me running around, trying to make friends. It doesn't go too well, frankly. Enjoy. :)
  5. lsaaq

    I just wanted to be friendly.

    Yeah, the funny thing was that I've actually been really, really lucky in .59 so far. One guy attacked me, one guy attacked someone else in front of me (and I detained him and they ended up being friendly) and all like 20 other people, until yesterday, have been really friendly and played along with my bad RP. :P
  6. lsaaq

    Way to fix the dash-dancing exploit

    You can run in zigzags in real life. It's hard to hit something moving fast, let alone zigzagging in real life. People can and do rush people with guns in real life. Having a knife at less than (something like) 15 feet, can make you a very real threat to a police officer, even if they already have their gun drawn. While you can obviously change direction too fast in game, realistically speaking, it's absolutely possible to rush somebody with a gun. If you're close to them, it's actually easier to not even zigzag. I agree it needs some work to make player movement more realistic in general, but I don't really agree with your premise that being able to successfully rush people is unrealistic, or an exploit, because it's not. If you manage to stay completely calm, and the desync isn't terrible, it's actually not difficult to hit someone rushing you. But the issue, as it is in real life, is that it's hard to stay calm and focus while somebody is sprinting at you.
  7. lsaaq

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Welp, reinstalled DayZ completely, still on 651. Anybody ever had an issue of just not being able to get an update before? I'm in the UK, if that helps at all. EDIT: Just randomly got the update. Odd.
  8. lsaaq

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Damn, I guess I've been really lucky then (or unlucky, depending on how you want to play). Met maybe 25 people this exp, was attacked once in Berezino (killed that guy) and witnessed some guy attack someone else in Balota. Stunned and handcuffed the attacker, guy who was shot (he went unconscious) survived and they ended up chilling out and not killing each other. Literally all the fights I've been involved with in this patch. Every single other encounter has been either really friendly or just... creepy, but nothing came of it.
  9. lsaaq

    Exp Update: 0.59 (+hotfix).

    Just wondering about the new update for today... I'm still on 651, servers on 657. I've downgraded to stable fully (as in, download complete, hopped in and joined a server) and switched back to EXP, and still no luck. Have they put out another small patch that's not been pushed to client yet, or is there something up with my steam? EDIT: Well, all of the UK servers are full, so I know that the patch has been pushed... I just don't have it. :S
  10. I spawned in near a police station, went inside and found myself most of a police uniform... So I decided to do a little roleplay. Hope you enjoy! :) If you want to see more, there's already a couple 'short film' roleplay type videos on my channel, and I'm definitely going to keep doing them.
  11. lsaaq

    Brightness adjustment impediment

    Yeah, I've always thought that adjusting brightness and gamma should require a game restart. You should only really need to do it once for your monitor, and it would make it far, far less attractive to people just using it as an exploit. Sure, it wouldn't stop everyone, but it would, I think, have a pretty significant impact.
  12. lsaaq

    Wheelbarrows, just sayin`

    Long story short, yes, everybody wants this. :P Not sure how possible it is with the engine, though I imagine they could use the vehicle mechanics and tweak them a bit for this sort of thing (animation of you walking behind it, pushing it, then using the different physics and controls etc while actually 'in' the 'vehicle', if that makes sense). But yeah, a wheelbarrow, dolly and a shopping cart both would be awesome additions and have all been suggested a few times already. I'm pretty sure that people have used that exact picture from The Road before as an example of how cool a shopping cart would be.
  13. Second ever attempt at proper video editing. Think it's an improvement from 'Deaf In Cherno', which was my last one a couple days ago. Also my second attempt at roleplaying in years, so apologies if that part's not great. Got some actual action this time, too though. Hope you enjoy! :) Constructive criticism would be really, really appreciated. I definitely want to improve my roleplaying and my editing in general.
  14. Was messing about in Cherno, tweaking my performance and punching out zombies late at night when I got hit by a zombie and started bleeding. Decided to make a video from what happened after. No headphones in ('deaf' character), role playing and infected. First attempt at role play in a long time, and first proper attempt at video editing. Pleased with how it turned out, but would love some good constructive criticism. Also, apologies for the whisperyness. It was super late at night.
  15. lsaaq

    Players dwindling

    Beta looks to be coming q1 2016, both on what the devs say and what it looks like to me, a hobbyist game developer, trained programmer and somebody who has participated in plenty of alphas both closed and open before. Not quite an expert opinion, but I'm pretty damn confident in that. There's nothing, whatsoever, to suggest otherwise. The funny thing is, since they realized the scope of the game after the sales success early on, they have ALWAYS maintained the beta date of end of 2015/early 2016. They're going to hit that. What are people complaining about? The argument hasn't changed. At all. In fact, NOTHING has changed at all. The game is, in fact, progressing at a normal-fast rate. They're hitting their targets. People still don't understand development, don't pay attention to what the devs have been saying the entire time and are still impatient. The argument is the same as it's always been. Since the first couple of months.
  16. lsaaq

    Obtain higher FPS in DayZ

    Honestly, if you want good performance and nice looking graphics, too, get 59 exp, turn on new UI, very low detail settings, then very high texture settings, normal antialiasing, high fxaa, normal post processing, all alpha to coverage and ambient occlusion. Everything else minimum setting. Bam. Game looks awesome, 40fps+ in Berezino (on my rig, at least). Can turn off post processing or antialiasing and gain like 5fps for either without making the game look bad, but not both. If you're cool with 30fps in Zino and don't record or stream, you can probably push object detail and clouds to normal, too with a decent rig.
  17. lsaaq

    Players dwindling

    What? Zombies are back in 59. That's going to hit relatively soon, it appears. They've also pushed to 75 pop servers on exp, and, with some further optimization, this could be a very real possibility for stable with 59's release (sure, it's not 100, but honestly, I think the 100 pop server goal is stupid. 50 players absolutely is enough, and it's incredibly ironic that somebody complaining about the game being a death match would want 100 pop servers). They're also adding three new vehicles in 59, and there's a good chance we'll see more (and different types of) vehicles in .6, which they want to get onto exp, at least, before the end of the year. In order for your statement to be correct, you'd have to assume that 59 will not come out at all this year. Which is ridiculous. The game is still in Alpha. When it hits beta, we'll see a large resurgence in players. When it hits release, we'll see a large growth in the population, assuming they actually market the game. All games drop off. DayZ is still going pretty strong, honestly, after two years of alpha. The development thing is really a different argument, but for the record, it's not slow by any means whatsoever in comparison to other games, similarly sized or not. This topic has been gone over more times than I can count and the argument is always the same.