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About Hunter5

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Hunter5

    Day 46.

    So, I've seen some serious stuff over this character's life span. I hadn't played in a long while. Last time I'd played, I had been in the hills north of Elektro. I had a m24, no secondary, and an ACU pack with a M4 CCO in it. I was underfire, when I logged, by hackers that had been chasing my friend and I down. How do I know it was a hacker? Simple. They were on a bicycle, and my friend hit them with two m203s and the guy took three full stanags. Open combat, open field. So, here I have survived that. My friend met up with me (He found an off-road jeep) and took the m4. He went down into the firehouse to get more loot: I had no food or water. So, he goes down there and gets shot and killed. Apparently, there was four people in there, ambushing people that came in - I hadn't seen anything while on overwatch. I went and picked him up in the off road, and we went and looted the NW airbase, where we heard two choppers patrolling. Running and hiding from them, we logged for the night. We found a DMR the next morning, and a m4 Holo GL. He had a standard m4, and the m24. I've got the DMR and Holo m4. We ran down to Cherno, popped three people in the city (roof of the tallest building, two on the ground). We ran up to the mountain inbetween Cherno and Elektro, and popped some fresh spawners. After one particularly fine shot at 700m - we were teleported to the air above the ground in Elektro. After hitting the ground, and breaking our legs... We logged. The hacker was patrolling the falling bodies and finishing them off. We switched servers and barely were able to wake up from being unconcsious and heal ourselves in time. Feeling completely cocky, we looted Elektro for ammo before heading out to snipe again. We were both killed by a guy with a 1866 hiding out in the corner of the firehouse in town. He got gear. Whelp.
  2. Hunter5

    Who's the traitor?

    Lol'd hard.
  3. Hunter5

    Suggestion: Slenderman!

    My character is named TheSlenderman. Good Enough?
  4. Hunter5

    Survivor Hunting Tip #7: Use Decoys

    All of your videos involve the same thing. Shooting people from Cherno's tower. With an AS50, or some other OP gun that kills a bean-eating, makarov toting survivor with the skill and grace of... well... A monkey that a scrub may or may not own to do WoW gold farming for.
  5. Hunter5

    It's a trap!

    I just spawned in Prig and I was in a open sprint to the near by barns east of Cherno on US 126 on a late night run to get a gun for tomorrows venture. I'm sprinting across open fields to get to the barn when suppressed gunfire rakes my legs. I start the Zig-zag and run. The barn is a good distance out, but I make it there. I figured the player had determined where I was heading, and would bee-line there. So I only had a precious few seconds to make my decision on entry - left or right. I went left high, and found... Firewood. This will be short lived. I hear on direct - "Player.... playerr..." I say, "I don't have any gear, I just started. Are you going to shoot me?" He runs in and doesn't say anything. He kills the Zed around me with a Bizon SD. I'm slowly leaning toward that he's not going to shoot me. His name is Travis, and he then... "Nice Bizon." I say. He's not shooting at me, and he's close. My hands are in his pack, and I'm looking for a gun. Nothing. One Bizon mag. I take it in spite. The response was something I never thought I'd ever hear a player say. "Yeah, want it?" He drops it on the ground for me(with 8 mags), leaving himself unarmed. We speak here and there and we move out toward the wooden long house. There I tell him, I'm heading to Cherno to get supplies and a pack. He springs the trap. "My friends are watching us. Run back to the barn." I bolt and head to the treeline, away from the barn, figuring a .50 is watching me from the tower. I use the minor shrubs to obscure possible shots, and sprint south to the trees. I hit the line and run about 300m. I prone in a bush, and look around. I see Travis is following me, trying to give them a better idea of where I am. He lost me, so I bolt more south. I hear sniper fire. Travis is Dead. I laugh to myself and head east.
  6. I'm fairly sure that was my group with the AS50s. We were searching known vehicle spawns for a car to repair, after picking up a friend on the shore. We were engaged for over an hour on that hillside. TX4?
  7. Hunter5

    Video: How is he still alive!!!?

    I find it VERY sad that sight height over bore was not taken into consideration. The Video was smashing, and really told you that the glass stopped the damage, for the most part.
  8. What did the first player you killed have on him, gun wise? I think I was carrying... an AKM or something like that.
  9. I once leapt off of cherno's tower. I landed on a survivor, who happily took my m24.
  10. Hunter5

    A Word To The Wise: What Is He???

    I've seen this late one night. My mate had logged off, and I was still atop Cherno with a CZ550 and a stockpile of ammo. I saw an unarmed guy walking down the road to the right of the international. It's the longest, straight road you can take. He was weaponless, packless. His face was like he was dead... a glitched standing body as happens now and then. But he was moving. His face was aimed at me, or the sign near me. I found it curious, sure... but not scary. I shot him. The round struck him in the kidney, blood poured out. He didn't drop, so I put a follow up in his chest. Now, the CZ is trusty enough to drop someone after two rounds. It didn't. He walked on. I fired again and again, scoring a broken leg and a shot to the head. He crawled on. I put another mag in the gun, and fired five more rounds into him. At this time, he looked like a grotesque little thing, crawling toward me. Fountains of blood shot out of him as he inched toward me. I figured he was lagging, or something as he crawled out of sight and I ignored him. An hour later, and Cherno free of shore-bait... I went for food and found him. He was 10-20m away from the ladder. Waiting for me. Blood still cheesy and flowing from him. He attempted to crawl after me into the city, but quickly lost me. Haven't seen him since.
  11. Hunter5


  12. I like the RP. I want to be a contractor. App sent. My squad will be waiting.