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Everything posted by -=seany=-

  1. -=seany=-

    Arma 2 OA

    Suck it up and format your PC. Too bad, you learned your lesson now move along. If your CD key hadnt been stolen and if you where not caught by battle eye, you would just be another one of the countless idiots bereft of any emapthy towards other players, ruining the community and the game, thinking your so skilled with your 1337 hacks you don't even know how to use properly. So why should we help you? Your only here because you got caught...
  2. -=seany=-

    GTX 670 FTW getting 20 FPS in cities ._.

    Doesnt really matter what gpu you have, when you go near buildigns it's all about your CPU. And they impact the CPU by quite a lot.
  3. -=seany=-

    fps how much?

    It's most likely caused by the server, that's some nice hardware you have
  4. We all know the major graphic artefacts that affect DayZ, with the model stretching and warping across the screen with big triangles. However, I have seen a new graphic artefact since the last Arma Patch 1.62. It only appears to be either with DayZ or Chernarus (if Im not playing DayZ I'm normally on Takistan and I havent seen it there) Basically the graphical bug is a when I am in a town and I will see an object start disapearing and reapearing very quickly, it looks like it is flashing or strobing. Objects I have seen do this are; Mailboxes, walls, gates and other such objects in towns. They never start tearing or gltiching across the screen, just flashing on a off very quickly. I also think this is related to performance. Performance in medium to big sized towns can be pretty average anyway (as we know) But I have noticed that when I get very large stutters or major FPS dips suddenly in towns (when look a particular direction), I usually see some of these flashing objects. I wonder it is related? Anyone else seeing this?
  5. A lot of the glaring, obvious bugs that people new to the Arma Engine run into while playing DayZ are really minor bugs for Arma. This is just a result of a new inovative idea being shoe horned into a game that was never intended or even expected to be used this way. A perfect example of this is the getting killed by a door. To some one new to Arma this must seem ridiculous. But to long time Arma players it's so minor that no one every really mentions it. ( and Arma players make a LOT of noise when there is some thing that they need fixed in their game :D ). The main reasons for this are, firstly in Arma if you die, most of the time it's no big deal, you can get revived/respawn or restart the mission. Secondly, you could probably play 20 Arma missions and only ever interact with a door once. So you can see why getting killed by doors has been on the very, very long finger as far as bugs that need urgently fixing are concerned..until now that is. But as we know DayZ stand alone will address these kind of things Another even better example of what must seem like a horendous bug in Arma to a new DayZ player is: the bug that causes you to stand up from prone while crossing the threshold/entrance of some buildings. When you are playing Standard Arma this bug is so insignificant, it will probably still exist for a long time and no Arma player would ever care. You can look on the extensive Arma bug tracker DevHeaven and I would put money it hasnt been reported. But, when this happens in DayZ it can be catastrophic. You instantly stand up unintentionally alerting all nearby Zombies. Most of the glaring bugs that people new to Arma who are playign Dayz are as a result of the above. the same for the gear menu. In Arma it's a bit clunky, but it works pretty damn well. But in DayZ you are using it a hell of a lot more and add to that the fact it has been "hacked" to allow DayZ features. It is important for new players to remember these things when criticizing the Arma engine. Personally, I think the biggest advantage of using the Arma engine is the sheer scale of the maps that can be used. That and the proper ballistics.
  6. -=seany=-

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    I don't get this. That would'nt stop anyone from getting into it. In fact I have never, ever been stopped by barbed wire...you just use the "Step Over" command, eventually you will get over it.. Also, with a deer stand, all you have to do is acces the "climb ladder up" action, so you don't even have to get past the wire. Anyway, on the subject, I don't mind either way so no vote from me. I would only vote No if it caused Perf probs. And if Dean is asking then it probably doesnt.
  7. -=seany=-

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    Damn, I finally have a can of MD. Heh seriously though, I wouldnt mind a reset. Especially if it can get rid of the lots of hacked in items floating around and silly stock piles of overly powerful weapons.
  8. -=seany=-

    What about adding AH-6X.

    Yeah I think Mh6 and Mi8 would be good versions, particularly the mi8, very appropriate for the world location. Ah6 is too powerfull with miniguns and rockets. There is also a nice Antanov AN2 prop plane.
  9. I used to call it Daze, but have since changed to Daisy. I think that probably sounds best, comercially.
  10. Can't believe the amount of "likes" the OP's post has, unless they are ironic or some thing... The guy turns to cheating because he is bored? really? Spoilied brat mentality if you ask me. You could of had all the same "Fun" you had with your dumb cheat just by playing the game you ACTUALLY bought...Arma2... You want props just 'cause you come on here all opera winfery, telling truths? Please... Cheaters and hackers are scum....even if you don't do anything malicious you are still promoting something negative. I had a "good" hacker spawn next to me once and ask me what weapons I wanted...I bet he was "bored" too and just having "fun". But he ruined my game as I couldnt trust him and had to Alt F4 to avoid him. No form of cheating online with other players is acceptable to me, Good ridance.
  11. -=seany=-

    HHD lag when zooming

    Hi Angelus, Welcome to DayZ/Arma. I think it was just a coincidence that you got it working ok for a while. It may have just been a good server either (server performance does have a effect on how the client's PC performs) The issue you are describing is a known issue though. It can be helped by turning down object detail and perhpas texture detail too. Some of us Arma players have noticed since the latest Arma patch that we are getting worse performance and visual delay in "LOD(level of detail) Swapping". Eg how the objects change from low quality in the distance to high quaility as you get near them. And also when you "Zoom" view. They (BIS) had made changes to this LOD system leading up to the patch and it seemed ok, but once the patch was out it's like some thing else has changed and it is giving problems you describe. In the next beta patch (probably) that BIS release they are going to revert the changes to the LOD system back to how they where in a previous version so we can test it out and see if it resolves the problem. You can follow the progress here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?137726-LOD-switching-issue-since-1-62 ---------------- it may be also possible your GFX settings are too ambitious. So again, make sure your object detail is not too high and try lowering texture quality setting. Make sure your antivirus is off in the background too. I use Avast and I find Arma runs better when it's disabled. if you want to post your GFX settings and your Arma2oa.cfg, we can look and see if anything is amiss.
  12. Dose no one else realise that the reason he chose underground bases is because you can't add things to the existing above ground map? Eg baracaded houses , or other structures etc. It creates too much clutter in the existing world and causes horendous lag and excessive resource usage. That was why we had barbed wire and tank traps added, to see how it affected the game world. And the results where messy and cluttered. Also, saying things like, "why is he working on this when the zombies need fixing" etc makes no sense. Underground stuff will only come with the Standalone...The standalone is going to fix the issues with Zombies etc...see the logic? I doubt we will even see underground structures for a while, even when the standalone is out.
  13. -=seany=-

    Any Signs Of Rocket!?

    I always click the news section on the main page before I read the forum.... but any way:
  14. Sounds like the SUV from the Private Military Contractors DLC. Im guessing that's why it is so armored. You could always shoot the wheels out and force them to get out. But yeah, it's probably hacked in.
  15. -=seany=-

    visibility vs terrain detail

    Yes, visability is locked by the server in DayZ to about 1000m. Terrain detail is also locked. If you where able to adust terrain detail, you could turn it so low that you would have no grass. In that case no one would ever play with grass on. If your playing Arma, I guess it's down to what your doing. Eg if you where in a plane you wont really care if Terrain detail is lower as you are so high up you couldnt tell the difference. But, if you where on foot, 6500 view distance would be loads so you could have higher terrain detail then. The difference between High and Very High Terrain detail is minimal.
  16. -=seany=-

    Is this game dying?

    Your only allowed to say that if you change your avatar to Dave :)
  17. -=seany=-

    DayZ not using GPU's Fully, low fps.

    I explained in the post above yours... It's to do with their hardware/ how many players are on/ how many zomibes are spawned/ how long the server has been running/ whether you are in a big city like Cherno etc
  18. -=seany=-

    DayZ not using GPU's Fully, low fps.

    SLi works perfectly in Arma2, you wont see it do much near buildings though as going near them causes you to be CPU limited. But in forrests and away from buildings SLi make a huge difference. Dont disable it. My guess is that you are being limited by the FPS that the server you are playing on is getting. This is a "problem" with arma. I cant explain why it works like this but it does..unfortunatly. I have been playing Arma for many years and this has always been the case. If the server is getting terrible FPS by being too bogged down or has insuficient hardware, all the Clients will suffer too. To properly test your settings in a controlled enviornment; load normal arma (without DayZ) and go into the editior, place just your self on the map at verious locations ( in a big city/around lots of vegitation) and check your performance here. This will tell you for sure whether its your PC that is having problems or if it is (as I suspect) the servers you are playing on. keep us up dated on your findings. With a lot more people playing Arma(DayZ) these days maybe it will get BIS to take a look at this Client/Server performance problem. PS remember that it is normal to see GPU usage drop off around built up areas and buildings, but you should not see this out in the "wilderness" (like in some of your screen shots). Again, playing about on your own in the Editior (very easy to use) gives you a good idea of what is "normal" performance in the various areas of Arma's world.
  19. Nice guide, good job. I would say though that Object detail is a big one for performance. This can really have a major impact when around buildings. It also increase the quality of foliage, which can affect your FPS when "zooming" view etc, depending on you GPU. It might be worth noting that Terrain Detail and View distance are Controlled by DayZ (a lot of Arma multiplayer missions also have a default setting for these options and your normal graphic settings wont have any affect on them. In these situations there is usually a "mouse wheel" option that allows you to change Terrain Detail and View Distance via some in-mission menu.) I also believe the only option that can swap between CPU or GPU rendering depending on the interface setting are the Shadow options. One other hint to get more detail than in game options can give you is to go to Nvidia Control Panel and to the profile for Arma2:oa and set Anisotropic Filtering to x16. The in game Anisotropic filtering only goes to x8 on it's highest setting. Using x16 makes the terrain texture much sharper and casues no performance loss. ( I'm sure ATI users can do the same thing with catalyst)
  20. -=seany=-

    Increase visibility range and reduce fog

    The main reason the view distance is so limited (I don't think it's that bad tbh) is to help performance. Increasing Armas view distance really starts to hit the CPU hard, add that to the already CPU hungry buildings and you would have way more posts on here every day about crappy performance. Anyway compared to most games you new to arma players have played, Dayz is pretty reasonable with view distance. Probably even higher than most other current FPS games. ( obviously not counting when there is foggy weather).
  21. I too can recommend TAW's Domination server ( takistan). This is a very fun mission Vs AI with other humans. It's also great to get in a tank or apc and lay some fire down after paying DayZ. Getting to try out the FLIR cameras etc. As someone else mentioned, the Editior is very powerful, but also easy to use. I like to use it for trying out vehicels and different weapons. You can very easily, for example, place a group of 12 ai soldiers in a town then place your self outside with and AI buddy or two and then play it out and see what happens. As for mods, probably better off not to use any for the moment ( most servers wont let you use them)....but if you really want to use some I can recommed: J.S.R.S sound mod and Blastcore FX mod, you can use both of these on the TAW server. Anyway, glad to see your giving the base game a try, hope you have fun!
  22. -=seany=-

    Dayz graphic stuttering

    You should post your system specs to get help. ....And it's "stuttering" ;)
  23. -=seany=-

    Rename DayZ to "Alt F4 Survival"

    Do not get rid of ALT F4 until the hacking is under control. Right now it is my only weapon against them. In the last week I have had to ALT F4 about 4 times ( I only play for about a hour a day) each time saved my ass from a hacker. 1. I was running around minding my own buisness, next thing I am teleported to a killing area - Alt F4 and saved my ass. 2. Lying in a forrest edge and a "robin hood" hacker spawns next to me and asks me what gear I have and proceeds to give me every good item in the game. - Alt F4 saved me, when I logged back in I had my previous gear. 3. Running across a field, suddenly my avatar stops and my Pistol and Axe disapear - Alt F4 again saved me. Logged back in with my gear. Alt f4 is annoying and lame in a legit fire fight, but it's far more annoying to have a hacker ruin your all your gear etc. Actually, the knowlege that ALT F4 can help me combat Hackers is one of the reasons I can keep playing given the current plague. If it wasnt there I doubt I would be playing. I would of had my character messed up too many times by now to be bothered.
  24. I agree with the OP and think it's bloody hilarious the way people (kids/teens) call every bad guy a "Terrorist". Well done Bush admin! Terrorist is the new Commie. Get a whole generation to apply a negative label based on the type of clothing they wear, it's actually kind of sad I guess.
  25. -=seany=-

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Honeslty you guys....if pessimism powered this mod it would have over a million players by now......hang on...never mind...carry on.