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Everything posted by Goonty

  1. EN : What a desperation to find that the Stand-Alone servers are disproportionate BattleRoyales with loot in every corner, or Altis Life clones with trades and merchants where the zombies and the creepy take only a secondary place. What is left for those who just want to play a zombie survival game ? Who just want to struggle to find food, ammunition and who freak out for their stuff when they leave their tent ? What remains for those who like to kill and - to a lesser extent - be killed ? ☣️ [EU] SURVIVUM | Hardcore & Real Time [GMT-2] ☣️ https://discord.gg/7yYMXeH An experience close to the ARMA 2 mod with only 2.8 GB of the best and most stable mods. A trader only for modded constructions and furniture. 🌍 Real time: GMT-2 😈‍ Dynamic hordes and spawn of vicious zeds ☢️ 2 Toxic Zones guarded by Mutants, it's S.T.A.L.K.E.R's Touch 🛠️ A system of advanced bases and means to keep them ⚔️ Only one rule: no rules 💻 https://discord.gg/7yYMXeH Links ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Lists of Mods used To automatically download our mods and have them updated in real time, subscribe to the entire SURVIVUM collection from Steam More information to join here 💻 https://discord.gg/7yYMXeH ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ FR : Quel désespoir de constater que les serveurs du Stand-Alone sont des BattleRoyales démesurés avec du loot dans tous les coins, ou des clones d’Altis Life avec des métiers et des marchands où les zombies et le glauque ne tiennent qu’une place secondaire. Que reste-t-il pour ceux qui veulent simplement jouer à un jeu de survie avec des zombies ? Qui veulent simplement galérer pour trouver de la nourriture, des munitions et qui flippent pour leur stuff quand ils s’éloignent de leur tente ? Que reste t-il pour ceux qui aiment tuer et – dans une moindre mesure – être tué ? ☣️ [EU] SURVIVUM | Hardcore & Real Time [GMT-2] ☣️ https://discord.gg/7yYMXeH Une expérience proche du mod d'ARMA 2 avec seulement 2.8 Go des meilleurs et des mods les plus stables. Un trader uniquement pour les constructions moddées et les meubles. 🌍 Temps réel : heure française +3 (GMT-2) 😈‍ Hordes dynamiques et spawn de zeds vicieux ☢️ 2 Zones Toxiques gardées par des Mutants, c’est la S.T.A.L.K.E.R's Touch 🛠️ Un système de bases avancées et des moyens pour les garder ⚔️ Une seule règle : pas de règles 💻 https://discord.gg/7yYMXeH Liens ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Listes des Mods utilisés Pour télécharger automatiquement nos mods et avoir leur mise à jour en temps réel, abonnez vous à toute la collection SURVIVUM depuis Steam Plus d’informations pour rejoindre içi 💻 https://discord.gg/7yYMXeH
  2. We are proud to introduce you the last French Serveur of Dayz Mod Vanilla Veteran. Truly vanilla, it include no custom script. Z are Deadly and numerous Auto-Refuel is disableSelf-Bloodbag is disableYou can chose your spawn location You have acces to your map marker 30 vehicules (include 4 choppers and 1 plane) http://survivum.fra.co/
  3. Goonty Base building feedback

    Before the opening to the public, on my server (, we were curious and tried many methods, by spawning padlocks and all requirements, we've made a huge basement to make tests. The result is clearly aleatory : some walls/gates, (any lvl) was broken by one satchel charge and some others was never broken (tested until 10 charges, from inside & outside). We also tested twice by crashing helicopters and cars explosions, the wall and gates never fell with this method. (excuse my bad english)
  4. Hi guys, I have some questions about the management of a Dayz Mod server on vilayer. Excuse me, I don't speak english very well. I am a beginner in administrating servers, coding and scripting, but i'm trying to learn very fast, and with all that posts on Dayz SA and Epoch, i realize now how it's difficult to get informations for Dayz Mod. For those who use vilayer, they notice .pbo files seem not being use by vilayer to make things more easier. My goal is to make some customs scripts. Firstly, I want to modify humanity gain to make the Hero status more accessible and encourage players to be more friendly (I have a dream ...) 1) I want the confirmation that .pbo files are not used by vilayer ? If I modify one of these (extract with pbo manager, modify, repack, upload) will it's works ? (I've already tried, nothing works, but I want the confirmation ;) ) Because, the list of files into my "vilayercodecustom" is small out than other .pbo files like "dayz_code". So how does it works on Vilayer? 2) I tried to make the same thing like on this post (for Epoch, but i think it works for Dayz mod ... doesn't it ? ) : http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/5211-creating-a-custom-compilessqf/ But it's impossible for me to activate any custom script : every time the message pop-up "script "custom/local_eventKill.sqf was not found"". (even with the "/" before into inti.sfq) But, when I'm loading a file inside a .pbo like"/z/add-on/dayz_code/compile/local_eventKill.sqf" the script still doesn't seem to work even though, no error message pop. For example I tried the modification suggested on this page http://epochmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/36999-humanity-system-dayz-epoch/ on the " local_eventKill.sqf.sqf" to gain humanity when killing zombies.) So, where is my error, how can I activate custom script ? I know i'm wrong somewhere but i cannot discover where. waiting for replies ;) Tanks a lot !!! Goonty
  5. Goonty

    Vilayer and .pbo files

    Of course ! I didn't think about it.I will do it with xampp thank you for this advice !