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Everything posted by Humbletramp

  1. Humbletramp

    Badboyz Roleplay lite -KOS and co BAN! - ts3+forum

    Dear BadBoyz admins So after my ban the other day I was explained to by one of my best friends what is and isnt considered a KOS since i am fairly new to this game I did not understand the concept. I was banned after a few of my friends and myself were playing together. We were all trying to meet up when one of my buddies was killed for his backpack out of no where so we geared up found our buddy and went to the town he was killed in to see if we could find the player who had killed him. We had found the buddies he was with so my friend and I went on top of the building (it was really quite the small building) so we could over hear their conversation as they were standing in the middle of the street fully geared out just chatting it up talking about "smores and how they werent in the appocolypse anymore" It was rather funny and entertaining and this whole experience was really fun just spying on them trying to hear what they were up to. One of my other friends ended up down on the street by them and when they interacted with him one of them really wanted to steal his jacket, so they started chasing him down with weapons drawn and up... at this point in time I did not believe it was KOS because my buddy was being threatened so I popped the guy in the back and started to run down the stairs to interact with the rest of their group and tell them to stand down. When i got to the bottom of the stairs with my other friend I had found myself at the main menu with a permaban. When one of my veteran dayz player friends had logged on later that is when i was sat down and explained to what is KOS and what is not KOS. I love the aspect of a friendly RP server as it is why I wanted to play on this server and I was having so much fun up until that point. If there is anyway to get unbanned that would be amazing to have a second chance. Well that is my appeal. Not really sure if im posting this in the right area. But I hope I get the chance to play in your server again. From your apologetic dayz noob, Humbletramp