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Everything posted by iskym8

  1. iskym8

    MY PC and DAYZ.

    As suggested above you really should consider a dedicated graphic card. Something like a gtx 750ti would be under 100 pounds and give you a huge boost. Best to talk to a local store or a knowledgeable friend\family member as simply buying and installing a card is not a good idea.
  2. iskym8

    MY PC and DAYZ.

    Turning off post processing and shadows might help.
  3. iskym8

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Played standalone for the first time today. Have played around 80 hours of the vanilla mod so far in comparison so still very new. Just have to say, was nice to be genuinely worried about the zombies. Really impressed with how they looked and moved. The UI was easier to use and movement felt so much smoother. Not to mention my FPS was much better. Awesome stuff, quite impressed.
  4. http://steamcommunity.com/app/224580/discussions/# Hope that helps.
  5. I suggest adding your pc specs to the initial post OP. Nobody will be able to help without you providing as much useful information as possible.
  6. iskym8 Base building feedback

    I noticed "[New] - Metal fences can now only be destroyed from pipebombs." in the 1.8.7 patch notes. This sounds like a good move forward if I understand some of the issues correctly. The difficulty in destroying or even gaining access to a base should definitely relate to how much time\effort it takes to build and what materials are being used. So I imagine the question then becomes. How difficult is it to make the Metal fences compared to gathering a few pipebombs to make a hole large enough to move a vehicle out? Slightly off topic, but I found after gathering a reasonable amount of gear and stashes. Building a base to help protect a vehicle and gathering the materials and food required became the only real reason I had to move around the map. Bear in mind, i'm quite new so take my opinion with a grain of salt. :P
  7. iskym8

    Some questions

    I have no problem finding various servers. I'm a fairly new player and from what I've been told, the game is in a much better state now than it has been for a long time. Much less hacking for example and I haven't seen any myself in a month of playing. My only issue has been that it can be difficult to find servers that run night time and weather. Most seem to have day only and no weather\temperature which is a genuine shame, all that wasted loot. Anyways, depending on the server\region and time of day it can be dead quiet or 35+ people. YMMV. Been an enjoyable experience for me so far.
  8. iskym8

    Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

    Input (cooked meat + drying rack or cooked meat + salt) Output (stack of 5 Jerky (based on animal type i.e. Chicken Jerky\Beef Jerky) Tools (hands) FailChance 0.05 Enchantments = adds 200 blood and small amount of hunger (less than cooked food but more than canned?) ActionType = interact with drying rack or recipe with salt Making jerky in stacks similar to road flares or magazines to reduce the space food uses for storage. Trade off of ability to carry more food but only restores small amount of hunger and blood
  9. iskym8

    Crafting Suggestions (no discussion)

    Input (metal pipes+string) Output (drying rack) Tools (hands) FailChance 0.00 Enchantments = ActionType = recipe A rack built to aid in preserving meat.