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Everything posted by SandersMK1Presents

  1. SandersMK1Presents

    Need some feedback on my first video

    Hi everyone, I just uploaded my first dayz video edited using Sony Vegas. If you could take the time to check it out and get back to me with some advice/feedback/constructive criticism that would be greatly appreciated :) and if you like it why not subscribe I'm planing on honing my Sony Vegas skills and trying to better each video I do. Cheers Sanders
  2. SandersMK1Presents

    Need some feedback on my first video

    Got ya Boneboys, just had a read through them.
  3. SandersMK1Presents

    Need some feedback on my first video

    Rodger Red_Ensign ,names changed cheersince for your time and in put.
  4. SandersMK1Presents

    Need some feedback on my first video

    Sorry I must of come across the opposite of what I meant I'm pretty new to forums as a whole. What I was aiming for was feedback on this topic about edititing,what they liked, what they didn't like, what I should do diffently next time etc, then replying and saying thanks for the advice, just like I have been doing on Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/3rxi1d/need_feedback_on_my_first_video/. I wasn't going to post and run for a few views, I want to engage with the community. Thanks for pointing out that I come across how you thought.