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Everything posted by Silaros

  1. This message is intended for the developing staff of the DayZ mod. I have only recently returned to the mod, and I am looking to help with the ongoing development. I recall reading in the past that there is a lack of people to test the drafts, and as I have no relevant programming abilities (basic c++ and c), I would like to contribute this way if there is a need for that. I also have a friend of mine who would also gladly help out on a regular basis, and I am optimistic I can mobilise a dozen more for short term testing if need be. I hope I can be of any help, this mod is and always will be truly epic, and Im willing to contribute.
  2. I have tried the new version and have encountered the following issues: Picked up a winchester and the ammo did not show in my inventory while it displayed in the HUD.Adding an ACOG to a SA 58 RIS deletes the rifle with a notification which I couldnt reproduce and successive attempts just delete the rifle without further notice.Trying to remove attachments from a spawned in SA 58 ACOG FL does not work with the message "You cannot remove attachment". (This is the case for all attachment SA58's)Tripwire grenades do not trigger when spawned, but seem to be functional after a certain amount of time after spawning. The flare beartrap also does not seem to trigger 2/2 times when newly constructed. (The following traps however did work on first attempt: Bear trap, bear trap smoke, tripwire smoke and tripwire flare (forgot to test the can tripwire))Ammo cannot be reloaded on the newly added rifles when the clip is not empty
  3. I have been giving this a fair bit of thought. Pre 1.8.5 basically anything could be bought in quantities of nails on the server I was playing on. Since nails were hard to find in substantial bulk, and basically everyone wanted a large base to fit their stuff in, it was soon a currency. Not only did this mean that new players could safely (and sometimes not so safely) trade their nails in for some basic equipment, giving rise to some sort of fully player organised economy (or creative banditry). It also caused having walls up to be a very rewarding and difficult achievement. The current limiting factor I am experiencing on base construction in the current version is food and water, which are very easy to come by. This has caused me to be able to output large bases in under 10 hours of play. Current changes in (the truly magnificent) 1.8.7 involves getting fed and hydrated easier, which will further lower base building difficulty. I personally feel like bases should be much harder to construct, and I would love to see the nail economy make its return to raise the difficulty. So I'm curious, what are your thoughts about balancing construction this way guys? Or do you have other ideas for balancing? Im also kind of curious whether some of you have experienced a similar formation of an economy or whether it was just a server specific anomaly at the time.
  4. Interesting, the idea of giving players different available tiers of walls for different stages is an elegant solution indeed. Also good to hear the metal walls are making their return, the design had a nice apocalyps feel to it. Kudos!