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About Ninjutsu

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    Bushland survivor who is happy to help
  1. Ninjutsu

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    I second that! Would really like the scoop on hackers in this game - perhaps not the ratio of hackers to banned hackers, that could be too insightful. But after having a 40hr character teleported and executed like a chump I would like to know how much influence hackers scripters have on our world. Thanks in advance for your work!
  2. Ninjutsu

    crate with everything?

    Perhaps from a server reset but no, not unless the scripter despawns it. I watched someone despawning one once & it looked like a series of explosions from molotovs as he shot it with his pistol. Way to let everyone know the hotspot bro!
  3. Barb or razor I vote to remove until the respawn glitch is solved
  4. Ninjutsu

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    As Toastedzen correctly pointed out them damn hackers probably put a real dent in global statistics yeah?
  5. Ninjutsu

    Do's and Dont's of D/Cing

    If I am away from my keyboard/screen for anything over 5seconds I d/c. I get a phone call, I d/c. I get a work related email, I d/c. If my dog needs fed, I d/c. Point being real life trumps & I will not leave my character to hang with no control (unless mechanics/ rocket policy say otherwise).
  6. Ninjutsu

    weaken gun damage

    No no nom
  7. I laughed raw "Everyone should play like me and the developers need to understand and make the game the way I want it."
  8. Ninjutsu

    Killing zombies doesnt do anything

    This point has been raised in quite a few threads and I think it is something that will be eventually addressed. However you shouldnt be too concerned with the zombies closing in its the bandits honing in on your position that will kill ya
  9. Ninjutsu

    This game feels neutered.

    Ah good info to know thanks OP for raising this to attention
  10. Under the right settings ie a closed alpha to a select community then sure reset it all. But people are treating this as a legit game now & investing what they see as game time rather than testing time. <- I say no purely to the amount of whining that would occur & Coolboynaked is right, everyone dies at some point or another. Be it the barrel of a glitch or hatchet. What percent of the community hasnt spawned since the removal of the stating gear?
  11. Ok let me start off by saying I do not condone punishing players style. Ie if someone wishes to sit on a grassy knoll for and hour for that one kill, that is their prerogative. I dont appreciate the play style of the run & gunners (generally also d/c's aswell), but I manage to avoid them by staying out of the main towns when the servers populated. I will admit there is an ego boost when you stalk someone down for 15min and shank them from behind; but I dont think the same feeling applies while laying in wait within the barracks. Essentially there are some cheap kills but for good reasons PVP will/ should not be removed. I am however more a survivor/ team based player & I think instead of flaming PVP we should be discussing methods/ mechanics that strengthen this play style. An idea that I think would greatly change the mechanics of teamplayers would be a revive system.. <-- Hold back, I myself am not really fond of the idea at all There would be exploiting and all sorts of workarounds. But at the same time it would really create a good incentive for organised teamwork & a higher chance of you surviving from that bullet in your back when your the first in your 'co-op' to find a m4ssd. As I said, not fully keen on the idea; I like the adrenaline I get knowing its all or nothing. Just think we should be discussing how to improve what we want, not flaming what is inevitable.
  12. Ninjutsu

    New computer components for DayZ

    Just dont install your new gfx card on carpeted floor -> greatly reduces the static build up -> less chance of frying chips Its a good learning experience and very easy to do. Good luck (also maybe just google what power consumption your current card has and workout the difference from there)
  13. It depends... what server are we talking about.. hehehe
  14. Ninjutsu

    Spawning in the air!

    anyone tried d/c quickly before they hit the ground? Todays forcast: its raining sniper rifles & nvg's.