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Everything posted by scud553

  1. I have played dayz for about 2 years, i am well versed in the game and so i do know what i am talking about. I have played on the deadwalk for months and have countless hours on it, and it was going great, it was regularily populated, and i played with a group of about 8. We quickly became the most powerful group on server, and the admin did play with us before he was promoted to admin by the owner who could not operate the server because he was too busy. When he was promoted, he eased into the job and slowly started taking over the server, and he and his friend seperated from our group, yet we still talked and knew what they were up to. Soon the admin made his friend a admin, and they began using their tools to their advantage. Mutliple times they used their tools to locate people around their base and kill them, and they would find out where vehicles are and go take them (btw no one else knew they were admins they just assumed they were players). At the time i really could not speak up, it would've ended up with me being banned from server, so it continued. The two admins eventually added a dome base for them to have and they told the server they were the admins (Ski goggles and Badstache are their names), problem was that they had one of our helicopters in their base, and it was extremely unfair for them to have one of the 6 helis on server when they could just spawn their own in. So i took it back, thankfully, they parked it on the edge of the zone so i was able to retrieve it before the 15 seconds was up (i recorded it lol). This greatly angered them to the point where they left for about a week, and when they come back, they deleted our base, which we worked hella hard on, and our vehicles, all of which we earned and fought for. They claim we were too powerful, yet the fact of the matter is we were the ones who put in the hours, and we were not invicable, our helis were stolen and blown up before, same with our base. It is for these reasons, i urge you not to play on the deadwalk, also, i would like any server recommendation, we have about 8 people who play, and we prefer vanilla but we are open to any ideas. Thanks for reading all this, Scud553
  2. Entitlment? how can you say were entitled when we are the ones who worked long nights to get those helis up and running, we earned them. Our base was not invunerable and you know that as you stated, we had been attacked and it was as easy as getting a mission heli or the plane and crashing it in there to destroy everything. I am sorry that we "hoarded them", there were 8 people in our group and 6 helis on server, we earned every single one, we knew where they spawned and we had it down to a science, but yet people would still beat us to them and before we left 2 players held a MI and huey and we had no clue about it. We are not invicible, we are not hoarders, we are not the problem with that server, we put in the hours and we played the game. I can not speak too much for the disrespect, but remember this is a M rated game, people are gonna use bad words, people might throw out a insult, but at the end of the day it is a game over the internet and that is all it will ever be. Please steam message me (thanks for not unfriending me btw) if you wish to discuss more. And btw i was playing with two seperate friends, and i helped them fix a mi to give them, imagine that, me, the selfish heli hoarder, giving away a heli. Veni Vidi Vici Scud553
  3. We'll definetly check it out silver, thanks a ton man.