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Everything posted by Puddlenugget

  1. Constantly stuck on character creation. Tried various different servers, restarted the game. Pretty much done everything under the sun. Also sometimes when I put objects into my pack they disappear. And the range zombies can see/hear you from seems further than usual. :heart:
  2. Puddlenugget

    Voice Com/Chat Not Working

    I'm having the same problem. :(
  3. :@ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOIx1Io5aUQ&feature=youtube_gdata . . .
  4. Puddlenugget

    LOL. Funny youtube video, friend goes nuts.

    Man you've all just got to ~calm down. Nitty gritty survival game, who is going to befriend everyone? (;
  5. Puddlenugget

    LOL. Funny youtube video, friend goes nuts.

  6. Puddlenugget

    LOL. Funny youtube video, friend goes nuts.

    :shy: Stop being such a woman you big nancy.