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Mad Vlad

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Everything posted by Mad Vlad

  1. Mad Vlad

    Stuck in a tree (Bouncing up and down)

    Hahaha great idea!
  2. Mad Vlad

    Stuck in a tree (Bouncing up and down)

    Try disconnecting your modem while in a full sprint forward(if you can even move "forward" at all). I know this works when stuck under houses and such.
  3. Mad Vlad


    Bummer man. I foresaw this coming so we moved all of our barrels, tents and protector cases last week.
  4. Mad Vlad

    Shooter or survival?

    That character had been shot up and near death several times. But the sickness came on after taking some pistol rounds to the arm in kamy. Headed up into the wilderness to rest and recoup when the sickness hit like a freight train. Thought I could drink it away(solves almost any problem in the real world haha), but I could puke my brains out and still remain sick. Twas fun.
  5. Mad Vlad

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Glad you liked it, I've got plenty more to share. Never a better time than now to get back into it!
  6. Mad Vlad

    Shooter or survival?

    I lost a long surviving character to a bad case of some sickness. Couldn't find antibiotics anywhere and charcoal tabs wouldn't help. I'd drink constantly but was always full, while being dehydrated. It was pretty damn rough. After nearly a week of this I stashed my gear and ate a bullet. This was probably about a month ago so I'd say sickness is still in. But anyways I'd love to see the survival aspects get cranked up some. Would make things a little more interesting and dire for sure.
  7. Mad Vlad

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Glad to be back, really missed reading these tales of survival. Was heading east through the woods north of msta with 2 of my friends/squadmates, we were all decked out in full matching ttsko gear, plate carriers and blue armbands with some decent firepower. I happened to glance off to my left and noticed a player about fifty yards down the hill flat out in the grass. We determined he was a lost freshie so we quickly approached and detained him while checking to see if he was on our bandit list. He came up clean and we began talking. Turns out Dr Martin was RP'ing as well a good ol' English doc. We agreed to escort him south to msta so he could meet his friend. One of our group broke off and set up overwatch while we brought the good doc into town. Turns out his friend had a highly coveted black M65 jacket so the sarge began to broker a trade. Things were slightly tense as I don't think this fellow really wanted to give up his jacket but three armed commandos might've been the bargaining chip for that deal. I moved off into overwatch while everyone talked and searched through the town. This is when I spotted another player entering town, he claimed to be cool and everyone resumed what they had been doing. Our youngest member told us over TS that the doc had whispered to him that we needed to kill his friend. Here's where it all went bad. Caiden(the kid in our squad) ordered everyone to put their hands up and the two other guys bolted leaving the doc with his hands up. The newcomer had drawn his rifle and kept peeking out from behind a fence, I said f' it and shot him in the neck with my sks. Some how he didn't drop and began to move when I put him down with a follow up shot. More shots rang out. Our guys had the doc in a house and he confessed that his little amigo wasn't pleased with the trade and was planning on killing one of us in retaliation. He did have a magnum with ammo that we let him keep when we initially searched him. So there was a threat, I guess that guy took a few shots but we never found him. The doc was released and we pulled out. Cool encounter, a little roleplay with a catch. Love these episodes.
  8. Mad Vlad

    Stable Branch - 0.59 Discussion

    Just curious what server that was on. I find and raid multiple camps everyday day I play. Depending on what I find in the camp determines my actions. Craploads of guns and combat related gear normally leads to a full dismantling of camps, while farming/survival gear typically finds me leaving notes and goodies behind. A bunch of random stuff leads me to picking a few things I need, leaving some ok stuff along with a note. But when it comes to barrels there's no exceptions, I just love me some barrels. So I liberate them back into the wild they came from. (I'll often monitor camps for weeks before decimating the KoS kiddos plunder, it's just us hillbilly's doing some taxation)
  9. On private servers barrels seem to be a very valuable resource. If I find a camp I always snag the barrels and haul them off to somewhere else to be relocated at some later point. The loot plays out somewhat differently between public and private servers. It's apples and oranges but I prefer private hives. I do like the idea of some sort of static tanning "station" (for lack of a better word) being included. Maybe small tanning sheds at some small hunting camps/cabins spread around the map would work.
  10. Mad Vlad

    Up-to-date Gun Comparison: CR527 vs IZH 18?

    Amen amigo. I wonder the same thing myself. And I like your view/stance on the IZH/CR527 topic. Alas people have made up their minds and it seems there's two (at a minimum) very different groups/mind sets when it comes to peoples opinions on DayZ. The lone wolf, survivalist types will always differ in opinion from the big squad PVP focused groups. It's just how it is, I only hope BI sticks to their guns with development and once modding comes along everyone will get to play the DayZ they enjoy.
  11. Mad Vlad

    Up-to-date Gun Comparison: CR527 vs IZH 18?

    Go back and read the actual assesments of the gun earlier in the thread. Pretty sure it's been summed up pretty good already.
  12. Mad Vlad

    Up-to-date Gun Comparison: CR527 vs IZH 18?

    @me1andme2 It's dayZ, guns and ammo take some time to match up. You find a gun and ammo to go then in my opinion you're all set. But opinions differ. IZH has it's place for sure. That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
  13. Mad Vlad

    Up-to-date Gun Comparison: CR527 vs IZH 18?

    So being able to have a sawn off "rifle" in addition to the mosin is a bad thing. I like variety, crappy guns or not when you're down on your luck and finally find a gun that goes with some ammo you're carrying it's always a "happy" moment.
  14. Mad Vlad

    Missing loot in 0.59

    I found assault vests back on .59 exp, Quonset huts seemed to spawn them. Haven't seen any since it hit public.
  15. Mad Vlad

    Up-to-date Gun Comparison: CR527 vs IZH 18?

    Why would something that's done, finished and works as intended be removed? Should they remove the derringer too? The IZH is fine with reloading from the hot bar and it's ammo being in civilian spawns now.
  16. Hey thanks eno, I might just do that next time I go public. But I do prefer things to play out organically, just makes things that much more interesting. I did watch that helpy helpers vid, good shit there fellas. That's my general style too(when I'm not off prowling the deep north).
  17. Mad Vlad

    I dont understand why there is no AUTO RUN KEY!!!

    Wish it worked on a laptop. I gots me a little trick I do using the steam overlay and an old credit card, real mcguyver stuff.
  18. Mad Vlad

    How can we fix camping ?

    I wholeheartedly agree with ya Jon. We had this same discussion in our little group last night. Between all of us moving from opposite directions to the castle north of stary we must've found atleast 6 seperate camps under an hour. Seems like military style camo netting should definetly be in, the models are already in the game and can be found at the nwaf and other military spots. I really like the idea of denser forests, for most of the map they're just way to sparse and don't feel alive or vibrant. But the idea you've got there with shortening the rendering distances appeals to me too. All in all there's definetly room for improvement and alternative means of hiding camps.
  19. Hopped on and set up my first little public camp, thanks fellas.
  20. Mad Vlad

    Up-to-date Gun Comparison: CR527 vs IZH 18?

    Don't forget the IZH can be sawed off for quite a powerful little backup, coupled with reloading from the hotbar it's actually not that bad. And as for ammo, 7.62x39 can be found quite easily while looting cars, homes and I've honestly found more boxed 7.62x39 in deerstands than .308(I actually can't remember finding any .308 in deerstands this patch) since .59. I was pretty damn psyched the first time I came across it in a civilian spawn. Granted I really do like the CR 527, great little gun especially with a mag. And you can even put the sweet camo paint job on it!
  21. Mad Vlad

    Ethical Hunting

    I ran into a fox one dark night back in a .59 exp server. I was just about to the southern base of green mountain on a full pop server when I heard this strange raspy bark like sound. I thought it was another player messing with me when I saw the little rascal moving through the grass. Unsure of what the hell it actually was (and in the name of science) I popped it with my Winchester. Sure enough it was a fox, I can't exactly remember the take away from gutting and skinning it but I do remember getting a pelt, maybe some bones. Don't think it produced any meat though(could be wrong).
  22. Mad Vlad

    Home is where the barrel is.

    Great story hombre. I've been doing this myself, tracking observing, finding camps to mark the coordinates for monitoring. It brings a whole new aspect for sure.
  23. I see that weathers creeping up the poles, forget trump, diversified weather 2016!
  24. A wider variety of weather would be nice, I feel like I'm the only one who misses the rain. There was also a post awhile ago that showed a bunch of screen shots from an exp server that was running a very dense fog, I'd love to see this fog happen! And wider spread infected would be great, I miss running into the little fellas in far off little towns. Denser populations in cities would be nice too. But honestly if I could only pick one it'd be weather, blue sky's just don't cut it for me haha.
  25. Mad Vlad

    Love this game!

    Oh yea huge tip here. For the first few months try to only use the in game maps and embrace the feeling of being lost in a new land. I really miss those first few months, figuring the lay of the land while trying to survive. Trust me it's well worth it. Don't give in to the darkside of online maps(you don't really want your hand held do ya??).