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About IGotNo

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  1. IGotNo

    Da faq is this?

    lmao a GAU-8 is the gun that is on an A10 warthog
  2. Just want some people to play with, been lone wolfing it for 3 days. My old group more or less disbanded so back to basics. Steam IGotNo Skype igotno90
  3. Make me an offer I cant refuse. NVGs would be great, will also do gun for gun with the right offer. PM me with an offer
  4. IGotNo

    DayZ Vets

    Been playing DayZ now sense we started with a revolver. I just don't know what to do anymore. I need an end goal, just surviving isn't fun anymore. I know a lot of you are going to say "oh just go kill players on the coast" but I really don't like playing the game that way. So I am wondering what some community members have as there end goal
  5. IGotNo

    Project Freedom: Recruiting

    You cant have a dont shoot on sight policy because you will get shot on sight. I play with these guys, when I was meeting up with them I ran into a lone survivor. I saved him from a zombie train and my thank you was a 12 gauge slug to the forehead. So until people can be a little more trustworthy we shoot armed survivors on sight.
  6. IGotNo

    Project Freedom: Recruiting

    Age (Be Honest): 21 In Game Name: IGotNo Country/Timezone: Canada EST (GMT-5) Are You Active?: every day Experience In Dayz: 200+ hours. Just lost a 15 day old character to bandits Have You Worked In A Team Before?: Yes, about 4 Steam- IGotNo Skype- igotno90
  7. 1- Use six Launcher dont manual install 2- Use six Launcher dont manual install 3- Just open it normally in steam, not sure if they work properly now though (i could be wrong though) 4- Just open it normally in steam, not sure if they work properly now though (i could be wrong though) Arma 2 CO is just all the expansions n shit
  8. IGotNo

    Why are people such assholes?

    Treat it like real life. For example the only people I team up with are people I know in real life. Aka people you knew before the apocalypse. Everyone else consider hostile.
  9. IGotNo

    as the night falls

    decent read.
  10. Yes ive used the search no help there. Ive played this game for 150+ hours. Go to log on today and I get this shit. wtf? please help me out here
  11. Hey guys, So im still looking for a group who shares the same play style. Ive worked with 3 groups so far varying from 3 to 8 members. Im at the point in the game now where I would like to set up camp and try and help out fresh spawns with food and weapons to start them on there journey. Ultimately I would like to do this via helicopter. If you share the same view or somthing similar please get a hold of me. Zombies killed: 210 Headshots: 89 Murders: 3 (self defense) Bandits killed: 0 Name: IGotNo Berezino Day 4 Steam - IGotNo Skype - igotno90 Looking forward to hear from you guys.
  12. IGotNo

    Where's My Candians At?

    From Windsor, Im in the teamspeak atm, No ones here Hit me up on steam at IGotNo or skype at igotno90
  13. IGotNo

    mature players

    I did like 5 minutes ago i seen you post in another thread my skype is igotno90
  14. IGotNo

    mature players

    You cant recive any more PMs hit me up on steam i have mic and mumble