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About DrStone

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    On the Coast
  1. DrStone

    What changed with DayZ?

    I have seen a few of these comments and if you are really saying this patch is the easiest it has been to find guns and gear you did not play the previous 2-3 patches. Last patch you could find any gun and all attachments at a guard house. Now that is NOT what I want, but at the same time when I go to the NW air field on 10 different servers and the only gear is boots, vest, and the SKS that does not seem like the high end gear that is worth the risk. Yes you can use the glitches in the officers tent to spawn all kinds of good stuff, but that is a glitch not what the properly operating game should be. I guess the root cause of the boredom is the lack of players to interact with. Like I said to begin with I love DayZ and what it was, but it has lost "something" and I'm not sure I can even define it. For those that love to garden, fish, and hunt that is cool man do your thing. I don't think any of that should be taken away, but at the same time do you really thing its that fun to play on a 75 person server where there are only 5 active players out in the woods being isolationist? That is not fun to me, seems like you might as well just play a solo game not a multiplayer game. I want the player interaction and trying to brainstorm ways to get people back. As for "this has always been the direction of the game" no, no it has not. When I got the game (day one of alpha) Rocket was running the show, and he was all over the place on what DayZ was going to be (good 'ol Rocket so much un-bridaled energy). As things have progressed the direction has progressed, and I have easily got my money's worth so no complaints. I just miss the way I used to feel about DayZ. For the record I'm not a COD kid. I never played COD and I am far from a kid, I have a wife and kids of my own. :)
  2. DrStone

    What changed with DayZ?

    First off huge props to the dev team, you all have done a great job taking DayZ from a mod to a standalone game. A little back ground - I am a DayZ player and fan boy from back in the days of the mod with over 700 hours in the standalone. Now to the hard part.... If you had asked me prior to 0.58 to describe DayZ the one word I would never have used is boring, it had always been unique, fun, and unexpected every time you played the game. However, since 0.58 is just seems "meh" kind of boring now. And that is not just me that is my entire clan. We all formed as a clan just to play DayZ, and we even collected money to put up our own server, and even ran server events with YouTube hosts with prizes. It was a great time. Now we just can't bring outself to even log in anymore. So what changed? The looting changed and the game lost so many players. The loot now is just boring now, before there always seem to be plenty of things to keep you going, but still always those things you had to work for. Now you have a hard time just finding food and seems like you will be kill just for the meat on your bones. Good luck finding the "fun stuff" like getting a fully equipped AK or being able to really customize your character since its all you can do to just stay warm and fed. I know the devs seem to want to promote the hunting and fishing elements, but some of us don't enjoy that and did not buy DayZ for that. Maybe the mod community can revitalize it, but at this point I hate to say it but it is just boring now, please find a way to add back that element of excitement. Not sure cutting the firearms down to crazy hard to find is helping that issue. Maybe adding random non-infected AI (like AI military or AI bad guys) that just roam about the map. Maybe random events like finding a wiped out military squad with all their gear across the map. I'm not sure, just brain storming some ways to get things going again.