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About Om1

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    On the Coast

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  1. Mechanical Inconsistency Multiple people have mentioned the medical systems to be immersion breaking, now I think this is eigther a lack of grasp of what realism/authentisism is. Yes in real life, a peice of cloth over a gunshot wound would not instantly stop the bleeding, but atleast it's consistent and is part of how the game works for everyone else too. Besides, even though it's unrealistic, it's not like you're as good as new after applying a rag. There is still a complex health/regen system in place that makes you set back for a good amount of time. As much as it makes more realistic sense to have to go through the A to Z of healing from a bullet wound in real life, DayZ is still just a game and we need to pherhaps find a middleground between that and H1Z1s instant regen with med-kits and bandages. No matter what though medical system is fine as long as it's consistent. Desync/lag (server-client communication/fps) Kinda falls under the inconsistency branch, but more in the sence of technical inconsistensy instead of mechanicly. I feel like this is self explanitory, the frustation of losing control of your character like that breaks immersion more than anything else in the game at the moment. Player control The cluncy player control you have in the game at the moment is absolutly one of the most important things to fix. Too feel immersed you have to feel like this character is you/yours, and it needs to feel responsive and smooth. A while ago I remember trying to go from crouched, leaning left, scoped, to- go prone - roll left - scope. Yeah, I will not get into how frustrated getting shot and killed locked into that animation was, but damn.... 1st. vs 3rd. When it comes to 1st. vs 3rd. camera perspective I think neigther is perfect and they offer different experiences of the game. I do however feel like the perspective of 1st. person gives a more true vibe of what I belive the DayZ experience should feel like, making you play the game as intended. 3rd. person perspective gives you a more disconnected point of view and is likely to make people feel less connected to the character and not care as much what happens. MEELE COMBAT! Need I say more? I remember the early DayZ standalone days when you could actually sneak up on someone and if precise and lucky you could knock someone out with two solid punches to the face. Some people called this unrealistic and unbalanced or whatever, what is unrealistic is sneaking up on a person and not being able to in any way reliably incapasitate that person. As it is at the moment is meele system is a joke and anytime I do end up in a meele fight it's the dumbest thing and is super unimmersive.
  2. Om1

    Rubberbanding in DayZ

    Arma and DayZ are not a traditional fps like counter-strike or battlefield, it's so much more about the experience and the stories you make for yourself. These things outweights the somewhat annoying technical issues these games have. Due to the technical nature of a game like DayZ, its for instance never going to have server tick rate even close to a game like counter-strike at 64/128 more likely for DayZ is probably sub 10. Ofcourse server preformance is about more than tick rate, but I hope it's going to be get better as we reach 1.0 and beyond.
  3. Om1

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    Q: Any word on the new player controler, really feel like it's one of those quality of life improvments that's going to make make the experience as a whole that much better, and what are you most looking for to about .59? Though of another question: Meele combat, will we ever come any closer to something reminicent of pherhaps Chivalry combat? Really anything is better than what we have at the moment. I just think that a guy with nothing but his hands should be plenty capable of dealing with anyone no matter how armed they are if actually manage to sneak up on someone, as it is right now meele ranges from totally random to absolutley useless, I feel like this hasn't been talked about in a long time.