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About xetro

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  1. xetro

    Stable Update 0.61.138458

    I've just killed a chicken with axe on stable and it just froze mid running animation. Also can't be skinned/interacted with. :/
  2. xetro

    Exp Update 0.61.135961

    I'm curious what will happen if someone is standing behind the doors, on the other side, when you open them. As far as I understand door collision will be removed and doors will just swing away from you? So if someone is standing on the other side, the door will go through them? Well that sounds kinda like a mediocre solutions. Maybe make a new "blocked" state for doors, when someone is standing close behind them? It's realistic and could fit into the game, I can see how that could be abused and really annoying to the player sometimes. But still seems better to me than opening the doors and finding a player aiming a gun on your head in their place.
  3. xetro

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    Brake fluid was actually an item in-game earlier in development! (or it was found in game files, I'm not sure).
  4. CPU boss puts i5 5200u single core performance on par with my x4 965, so I would say no. Arma 2, SA and 3 all run around 20-30fps, depends on server and settings of course, but I really can't say it's performing satisfactory in ANY case. And since this is a laptop vs desktop, it will probably run even slightly worse in real life compared to tests. Second one looks better though, although I would change 16GB with 8GB because it's totally pointless and unusable (unless you plan to run multiple Virtual Machines on your laptop), if you can get a slightly lower price then.
  5. xetro

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    Didn't Hicks say he'll be back with more answers? Or have things changed? I don't want to be ungrateful, just askin :) Where did you get info on that? What I heard from devs (if I'm not mistaken) on this topic was, that map expansion beyond borders is impossible and it won't happen, because of the engine limitations (they would have to manually reconfigure coordinates for every single object in game or something like that). Can anyone confirm this?
  6. xetro

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    Is there a plan to implement stances, such as in Arma 3? As this would greatly benefit the 1pp (superior perspective :p) gameplay.
  7. xetro

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    I think you are just nitpicking here. The team said the changes are so massive that it's essentially a brand new engine. Hence the new name and branding it as new. Of course only they know how much of legacy code is left, but I doubt it's enough to really affect anything. EDIT: Hicks got me there first :D listen to him, not me.
  8. xetro

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    Myshkino tents was just an example. Also don't think fallout bosses but more like already existing soldier zombies, just tougher. Basically what I'm asking is, are there plans to make high reward areas any tougher for the solo player (encouraging cooperation) than they are now. I don't think just increasing zombie numbers would be enough since you could just spray them from far away (unless they will be tougher to kill).
  9. xetro

    Status Report - 15 Oct 2015

    Q: Are there any plans to make some special super-though "boss" zombies, that would require team cooperation to kill? Maybe even being faster and deal more damage then ordinary zombies. For example throw some of those between myshkino tents or other high demand militarized areas and make it super-hard to solo. Since zombies don't need functioning body parts to live you could easily get away with them requiring a ludicrous amount of bullets to kill. It would make militarized gear harder to obtain and might help with the server hopping problem.