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About josh190691

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    On the Coast

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  1. All Stuff is gone. Crates, fences, car, everything except for the characters. It was said bases and stashes shouldn't be affected? I'm definitely on the correct server. So what is that please? Is there any chance that the previous persistence can be loaded again, or is everything gone for sure?
  2. josh190691

    No IV Start Kits?

    I had cholera once, but this is different. You used to dehydrate very fast and thats not the thing. I believe it could be food poisoning because now I remember we also ate some cooked cow meat, and he got the note at first "my mouth tastes funny" wich is a sign of food poisioning (refered to google). So we would need some charcoil tabs... althoug i wonder if it might be to late for this now anyway because the sick sign is already red. But thanks for your hint anyway.
  3. josh190691

    No IV Start Kits?

    Thank you all for those fast and helpful replies. So is someone interested in a little trade? :D I would give ammo and stuff you could use for some IV Start kits, cause by buddy is nearly dead from some illness from drinking bad water.
  4. josh190691

    No IV Start Kits?

    Hey guys, its silly but I am wondering now where to find any more IV Start Kits. I have not seen a single one of them since a few weeks and recently searched in about 5-6 hospitals, but everything which would spawn there was: clothes and tons of blood test kits (and a few empty blood bags) - no IVs and no Salines. Have you made the same experience? is the item ment to be this rare (wich would be stupid) or is it a bug...