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Posts posted by Robdoddy

  1. Number one rule - Don't get attached to your gear. :P

    But in all seriousness, are you 100% sure your not on private hives ? A hell of alot of servers have switched to private hive now, even if it says Chernarus map.

    Have you got a server name so someone can find out for sure if its on the main hive still ?

    I'm sure it's not private hive I had it on because I had my stuff on almost every server. Also, when I go on servers, I'm in the same place on every server, Kamenka

  2. My AS50, M16 CCO, and etc is all gone from all Chernarus Servers, I haven't been on in like a week and when I checked it just said create new character Male, Female, the usual stuff, and now I'm in Kamenka with no loot. I know it's not private hive because I tried like 5 servers. What happened, and is there anything I can do?

  3. I was playing and I found a Ural Civilian at the Saw Mill WAY up north. I fixed it all the way, except the fact one tire appeared to be stuck in the ground, or flat. So we shot it off and replaced it and it is still stuck in the ground couldn't move it from it's spawn point, help!

    EDIT: It is in-deed stuck in the ground

  4. The video is made to show that we got snipped, not the fact that one person DCed. Also, the guy who killed him ghosted us. So I guess you could say that they are "Even". If he hadn't been ghosted he wouldn't of had to DC. I KNOW FOR A FACT WE GOT GHOSTED. He didn't climb the ladder...

  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XDcVJaClMA&list=UUDw0x8ZKk-NavKYzQ3E22oA&index=1&feature=plcp

    Check out this new video about my friends and I getting sniped, recorded it for fun, didn't edit it, just put it in basically. Don't be hating on the voice of me and the others, It was just for fun we didn't know we where gonna get sniped! SORRY FOR LOW RESOLUTION I WAS TESTING OUT A NEW FILE FORMAT! PROJECT=FAILURE.

  6. My friend moves very slow. He has his settings on very low with all the recommended setting. With no weapons or anything he moves so slow I can crouch pass him while he is sprinting. We play on a server with about 50-60 Ping. His FPS is good, just lower than which is to be expected because I have a better graphics card.

    Please tell me if you need anymore info. This is on any server with any weapon.

  7. I think, since my starter gun thread was rejected, that we should have at least a way to fight to the weapons, like a punching button when we run out of ammo. Like, for an example, I was in a church with a Zed and ran out of ammo. I was in there, him right next to me, and I can't even hurt him! If no one wants this feature, I understand that some people might go hit people as soon as they, but be realilistic! Who would do that! I think we should add mele to the start of the game so when I spawn on top of a Zed I can do more than run in circles till I run out of food and water!

  8. I just got the game right after the 1.7.1 update. I have watched many people play it on Youtube. It looked fun on Youtube because you actually had a chance to fight and find supplies. When I first logged on, it took me three games to find ONE weapon! Sign here to help bring back the starter weapon!
