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About Robdoddy

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  1. Robdoddy

    All my stuff is gone?

    I'm sure it's not private hive I had it on because I had my stuff on almost every server. Also, when I go on servers, I'm in the same place on every server, Kamenka
  2. My AS50, M16 CCO, and etc is all gone from all Chernarus Servers, I haven't been on in like a week and when I checked it just said create new character Male, Female, the usual stuff, and now I'm in Kamenka with no loot. I know it's not private hive because I tried like 5 servers. What happened, and is there anything I can do?
  3. Robdoddy

    FPS Drops during Live Streaming

    Same problem same computer never looked very had though....
  4. http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=m-ch-vid&v=tdr3tdLj-PQ My bro and I brutally murder some dude!
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmpS8hIBH-k&feature=plcp Leave a comment and rate... WATCH ME GET TROLLED
  6. Looking for a clan to join. Age:13 Country:USA Weapons: AS50/G17 Clothes: Ghillie Friendly Towards Players I don't know in Game: NOPE
  7. Happen to me although it was, I'm guessing, it was do to the fact I was teleported to the Debug Ocean when trying to put my Ghillie on...
  8. Robdoddy

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Finding a knife should re-Inable the red pawn button!( if you get where I'm coming from) :3
  9. I was playing and I found a Ural Civilian at the Saw Mill WAY up north. I fixed it all the way, except the fact one tire appeared to be stuck in the ground, or flat. So we shot it off and replaced it and it is still stuck in the ground couldn't move it from it's spawn point, help! EDIT: It is in-deed stuck in the ground
  10. Robdoddy

    Sniping Gone Bad!

    The video is made to show that we got snipped, not the fact that one person DCed. Also, the guy who killed him ghosted us. So I guess you could say that they are "Even". If he hadn't been ghosted he wouldn't of had to DC. I KNOW FOR A FACT WE GOT GHOSTED. He didn't climb the ladder...
  11. Robdoddy

    Sniping Gone Bad!

    Sorry about him ALT-F4ing but I can't do anything but tell him what he did wrong. If it's any consolation to you, the guy stopped shooting before he logged out...
  12. Robdoddy

    Sniping Gone Bad!

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2XDcVJaClMA&list=UUDw0x8ZKk-NavKYzQ3E22oA&index=1&feature=plcp Check out this new video about my friends and I getting sniped, recorded it for fun, didn't edit it, just put it in basically. Don't be hating on the voice of me and the others, It was just for fun we didn't know we where gonna get sniped! SORRY FOR LOW RESOLUTION I WAS TESTING OUT A NEW FILE FORMAT! PROJECT=FAILURE.
  13. Robdoddy

    My DayZ SP Video

    There is a video on YouTube with the link to an old version of the single player on mediafire.
  14. Robdoddy

    My DayZ SP Video

    Come and check out my new Dayz SP video! Rate, comment, and subscribe! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FCdZ_yPsZyE&feature=youtu.be
  15. Robdoddy

    My friend moves slower than me.

    He has had a Lee Enfield in his hand still ran the same, lagging behind everyone else.