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About jonathancw

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    On the Coast
  1. Reersh, Firstly you're defending the developer as if you have a dog in the race. If you were he, or any of that team, then surely you know my comments are not in any way rude. The simple fact is if the server was being hosted by the developer, then they should have a right to limit Admins to banning , kicking, reserving spots on the server, naming the server as they see fit, etc. However when they take it a step further requiring servers be no less than 40 slots, have to be named a specific way, HAVE to be public. To take it a step further you cannot kick a player on your own will for your own reasons. That in itself is not about the mod that is about the freedom of choice. The mod is one thing, the rule that a person using said mod on their own server has to adhere to a very strict rule enforcement is completely another thing my friend. I understand you are passionate about this mod, I'm becoming that way as well-I personally believe that the rules and regulations set forth in the operation and handling of these servers is completely absurd. I'm not sure if there has been this kind of precedent in any other games, and if so could you tell me examples of that? Certainly not trying to flamed by fan boys - trust me last thing I'd want. I do however think a respectful conversation can take place about this. Using the cliche, his mod his rules is fine. His mod his rules on his server. His mod, on others servers should be their rules. It is a mod, not the game. I look forward to your response though!
  2. I'm new to the forums, no offense but looking at the details, this mod is very heavily moderated. So much to the point it's a little obnoxious. Don't get me wrong to each their own on how they develop their servers etc but really why produce a good product - and over regulate everything from server user limits to how an admin maintains his server. If you ask me that is a bit much - you can't say its not hypocritical to say the developer is being as he wishes is ok, and complainers should stop and say that admins shouldn't complain for not having their full rights under a server they leased. Just my two cents.. I hope to see the developers making these modifications only for the short term during alpha, instead of getting kick backs from the server leasing companies which is merely speculation. At this point in my opinion, and not to question their integrity, but changes of late have seemed to benefit the few instead of the community. This mod may have been developed by few but was made none the less for the enjoyment of the many - and I do hope that the direction of this mod changes to the betterment and not down the wrong road. Jon