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Everything posted by huckjam

  1. huckjam

    Q&A with Map Designer Adam Franců

    Will there ever be different biomes like snow? How about different houses and building every town is basically the same 50 models is there any plans on new structures or at least more variables in the structures so they all dont look the same for instance if the green split level had some with a broken down wall on one side or vines covering it maybe a broken stair case on one side of some of them, or even different rooms that open in some of them that way some could be default but some could be different. ARe there any plans to include sewers or caves maybe even underground military bunkers? Will the dry rivers ever have flowing water when it rains? I think it would be amazing if my And are the forests going to have dense brush so its not just rows of trees you can see right through so its possible to actually hide a camp in them or hide in bushes like in real life instead of only being able to get up close to a pine tree to hide? Like small trees fallen branches vines and bushes like in real life? That's all I have for now thanks for the awesome game and keep up the great work!!!
  2. huckjam

    Stable Branch 0.61.137517

    @Baty Alquawen can you please expand on "Fixes for lifetime being properly applied to various items" like what are the lifetimes currently set at after this patch? Most importantly lifetime of dead bodies, tents, barrels and dropped guns and bags. Thank you for the info on all the updates!
  3. huckjam

    Exp Update 0.61.136770

    Yeah I thought it would have much more space than it does, it looks like another person strapped to the wearers back but its not that big inside.
  4. huckjam

    Let's talk about new animations

    jumping over fences solo boosting other players up onto things not dying from insignificant fall damage maybe like rolling as you hit the ground or whatever depending on distance multiple combat stances like arma 3 multiple prone and crawling type like arma 3 with urban prone and crawling sideways Being able to look out and down windows prop up against window sill for stability hitting with butt of gun mele without putting weapon away
  5. huckjam

    Exp Update 0.61.136670

    Oh I see yes that makes much more sense, like how a real apple tree would work. Thanks for the explanation i must've missed that.
  6. huckjam

    Exp Update 0.61.136670

    Why is everyone so interested in getting the apple trees fixed? If you use the apple search like its supposed to be used it takes 10 tries to find an apple some times which is not realistic at all in real life i could see and pick an apple off a tree in 2 seconds i wouldn't go searching around for 5 seconds each time and come back empty handed then have to eat 15 apples to start feeling not hungry. If they fix it thats great but they need to turn down the amount of apples needed to eat to get full. Same with searching for a stone it takes 10-15 tries to find a stone when im standing on a pile of them it drives me nuts.
  7. huckjam

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Exactly if I;m in a town that i know im gonna spend some time in like waiting for people or just only have a few mintues then im gonna get off and come back later. I will always pickup and drop crappy loot because then it will disappear and be replaced by new loot. But if you leave a pair of damaged boot on a table they will still be there 2 weeks down the road as long as nobody clicks on them. You don't even have to actually pick them up you just have to drag them to a filled backpack or something as long as you interact with them more than just viewing they will then despawn in 30 minutes.
  8. huckjam

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I feel your pain, the 30 minute cleanup on guns and backpacks is ridiculous! Its especially frustrating when for the past year you've been playing one style and have to remember that now when you set a gun down as you go into a town or get into a firefight that you have to come back every 30 mins a pick it up again. Most people I know that play double carry and set whatever gun they aren't using for that scenario down and then get it when finished and sometimes esp. in combat you can go right through 30 mins without even realizing it then you do that mad dash hoping you get to it on time.
  9. huckjam

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    It was an official public server named something like DAYZ FL 0-0 (PUBLIC/3PP:ON/PERSISTENCE:ON) 00000 - HOSTED BY. I've been playing this server for months and never had a problem until this past week. I was thinking more about people hacking and why would they bother spending time finding camps if they can just spawn whatever, but I guess if they just want to mess with people. Oh well life goes on.
  10. huckjam

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    Did something happen with persistence in the past week? I have been working nights the past few days and haven't gotten to play much but last night when I got on all 7 barrels I had on a server were gone. They were spread out across the entire map none were even within miles of each other so I find it hard to believe all 7 were discovered along with 3 protector cases especially since I have been using these places since the beginning and never once has anything been missing until this past week. I used two of them on Sunday so thats the last time I saw them, only thing I can figure is either something happened with the servers or someone ran across the server using some kind of hacks and found them all. Are hacks like this even possible? Im kinda annoyed but whatever its more effort finding the barrels than the loot.