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About vandnd@gmail.com

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    On the Coast
  1. vandnd@gmail.com

    US 454 Banned

    Yes, I was also banned from this server today, and I don't even know why. I tried to log in today and it just said "Banned". Abuse much?
  2. vandnd@gmail.com

    Hacking is ruining this game.

    Actually, this is my camp, and no, I did not teleport behind you, I simply walked right up to you and killed you, get over it.
  3. vandnd@gmail.com

    Seattle 98 / Offender: Pit : Time: 5:30 EST

    Yeah, well what's the purpose of logs if they can't be checked? It would show that player connecting some time before that event took place with that name and it would show his cdkey or whatever next to that.
  4. Approximately at 5:30 Eastern Standard Time, on the server Seattle 98, my team and I shot and killed a player named Pit, but he logged out after his name popped up as killed and his body vanished. That is fine, but Pit immediately logged back in and was back alive right where he died, so we killed him again, his name popped up as killed, and he did the same thing. After we killed him and he came back alive 4 times we decided to get off the server before he found us. I just wanted to report this as a pretty big exploit and was wondering if anything could be done about this, because clearly he won't die ever.
  5. vandnd@gmail.com

    [Legion] Kicking for killing

    D4rkwolf I do appreciate it, no hard feelings.
  6. vandnd@gmail.com

    [Legion] Kicking for killing

    It just seems a bit fishy that you would kick someone who killed a legion member right before he can loot the body, regardless of if it was for admin or not. Besides, if alt + f4 during a firefight is not allowed then half of legion should get a ban because that's all they ever do to avoid loot loss. I got in a fire fight with four of them and 2 out of 4 alt + f4.
  7. vandnd@gmail.com

    Spawn Grace Period

    30 seconds is abusive, I agree, I am saying just enough time that the person can AT LEAST see his surroundings, I was in the middle of the woods north of Devil's Keep or whatever when this happened, so no, it wasn't a well traveled area either.
  8. vandnd@gmail.com

    Spawn Grace Period

    I think that to balance out pvp a little bit for newer players and even returning players, there should be some kind of 30 second grace period as your character spawns in, that he is immune to damage. Reason: I had a well stocked character who I had laying prone in a corner of a building when I logged off the other night, when I got into a server and my character spawned in, I got shot and killed before I could even move or knew what was going on. That is pretty frustrating getting all my progress rendered useless because I was completely helpless. I think this would give people more of an incentive to play alone, because this is exactly what I feared would happen one day when I logged in by myself.