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About sQuat

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    On the Coast
  1. the file i use to start the server is a bat file @echo off :start :: start the server..set dayzpath="C:\your arma 2 oa insallation folder\"cd /d %dayzpath%start "dayz" /min "arma2oaserver.exe" -port=2302 "-config=cfgdayz\server.cfg" "-cfg=cfgdayz\basic.cfg" "-maxMem=2047" -cpuCount=2 "-profiles=cfgdayz" "-name=cfgdayz" "-mod=@dayz;@hive;" timeout 21600 taskkill /im arma2oaserver.exe /F timeout 145 goto start this batfile wil read the config files run the arma2oaserver.exe and after 6 houres it will exit waith 145 secounds then start the server again when i start the game i go to multi player and choose my server and i log into my server with mysql password and press start
  2. i made the mysQl hivemind logged in using heidisql added added @client and @server to my arma 2 oa directory added all the battleye files to its dirctory made a 6houre restarting.bat what i remembre i had kind of a guide but i cant finde it
  3. i wish to continue as im doing this for me and my friend where my friend cant connect to the same servers as i and she wasted her money on a game se cant play with me https://www.dropbox.com/s/gkuk842t55rn769/arma2oaserver.RPT?dl=0 hope you can help me :)
  4. Just made a server for dayz after making mysql servers and stuff like that everything is going great until the last 50% of the last loading to my server Waiting for server to start authentication 1.. 2.. 3.. and so on until 150 or something and it starts again i cant figure out a fix for this went to google some sayd the problem might be the dayz.pbo so i deleted it and got a new one of steam still no help what can this be? Seems like um not able to upload the server_console.log Bonus question i cant figure out where to enter my ip so others can join so i cant se if there is a fail on my game or the server Thanks sQuat