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About mariusoy

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  1. mariusoy

    Trading Post

    im on a server with persistance enabled;)
  2. mariusoy

    Trading Post

    Buying a glow plug! http://steamcommunity.com/id/Mariusoy/add me if you have one
  3. mariusoy

    Trading Post

    Buying glow plug I can offer really good items for it. Comment on my profile if you have one http://steamcommunity.com/id/Mariusoy/ thanks!
  4. mariusoy

    Just had a random character wipe

    Is this fixed?
  5. mariusoy

    Trading Post

    - Looking to buy a glow plugs - Comment on my profile if you got one! http://steamcommunity.com/id/Mariusoy/ price can be discussed
  6. mariusoy


    i disagree really
  7. mariusoy

    how do i refuel my truck?

    where do i find them?
  8. mariusoy

    how do i refuel my truck?

    http://imgur.com/rji6doH what do i miss?
  9. mariusoy

    how do i refuel my truck?

    how can i check if it's damaged?
  10. Hey, im kinda new, but i can't seem to re fuel my truck. -The truck has a battery. -i have a gas canister with 56% fuel. -i aim at the "gas holder" and scroll to find "refuel" or whatever it's called, but i cant seem to find it? What am i doing wrong here? pls help:(!