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About Shiinchan

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Shiinchan

    Battleeye initiliazing failed (Tried Fix)

    ya i got it fixed, i just forgot to Verify 6 launcher lol
  2. Shiinchan

    Battleeye initiliazing failed (Tried Fix)

    Dunno how to check that honestly.
  3. So i got Arma 2 CO. Installed it. Installed 6 updater. Installed DayZ Commander. Got this issue where battleeye wont initialize. Checked forums found a "fix" and applied said fix. Fix does not work as they seem to be for 32bit and im 64bit. Can anyone help?
  4. @Changrey Thanks man i appreciate it, im a little shocked a player actually admits to me waiting first, but it makes sense. I appreciate your words man, ill def keep an eye on the game, see where it goes. CHeers
  5. Alright so i have been watching videos, looking at the forums, reading reviews. It seems like a bunch of... whiners... and people who dont know what they are doing, but im still concerned with the amount of lag there is reported, and glitches. Now do NOT reply to this if you got bad lag for 1 day or so... or you experienced glitches that are expected, i am not asking for help from the whiners. Could some people who have played the game for awhile shed some light on all this for me? Before i buy the game, including issues known to Americans who play on international servers.