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About Justmatel

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  1. Edited my post added contact details! Feel free to hop on!
  2. Justmatel

    Australian Team Mates?

    hey man , I'm running a private hive, Most of us are aussies but play on US servers, If youre interested http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/110552-justins-hive-veteran3dponchon247daymostly/ we run TS3 over skype cause of our numbers Just easier to manage and talk. Hope to see you soon !
  3. Hey Everyone, I've recently launched this Private hive for anyone to hop on and use! I'm looking at mainly 24/7 Day But I'm sure I'll forget to restart it sooner or later! I'm an Aussie but I do get great ping on this server , Feel free to hope on whenever! Atm it's a bunch of us mates on but we would love for others to join! We basically have a 24/7 admin incase of hackers and Antihax/gotcha/Battleye! So Enjoy! A little about me; I'm Justin! I'm 19 years old living in Australia, I like long walks on the beach and candle lit dinners ;). I joke around quite a bit haha, But I'll possibly have a TS up soon until then you can reach me on steam "Justmatel" , skype "Justmatel" or Hotmail " Justmatel@hotmail.com! C'ya in game! Features Like; Care packages 90+ Vehicles Wrecks Custom Loot at helis Extra Vehicles Admin's Active 24/7 100 Slot TS3 For all your voicing Needs Day 24/7 Friendly community Clanwars Hosted in Kansas(USA) IP:PORT: (v1.7.4.4/Beta 99153) [VETERAN|3DP:ON|CH:ON - http://justinhive.th...b.net/index.php Web Hosting Provided By TheArchNoob.net - Thank you so much! Team Speak 3 100 Slot - provided by TheArchNoob.net - ts3.thearchnoob.net:10075 Special thanks To TheArchNoob.net for providing us with Webhosting and the TS3 Server! You can find them here~ http://dayzmod.com/f...0/#entry1040833
  4. Hey everyone, I thought it fitting i would reply here for you all to see! I've recently started up my own Private Hive and i was pretty much lost from the start. I could do the very basics but at this stage i posted on the Dayz forums when Companion here added me on steam. Companion pretty much fixed EVERYTHING. He set me up with his own Web hosting and a TS 100 Slot server. I'm talking about going out of his way to help me out for a solid couple of hours! www.thearchnoob.net (Companion) has done so much for me today and will always offer me the support i need in running my dayz server. i can't thank him enough. I 10/10 would bang. I Recommend him and http://www.thearchnoob.net! Again thank you! Please i urge everyone to take a look and sign up at http://www.thearchnoob.net. Thanks! Justin
  5. Justmatel

    New Private Hive - Needs Help.

    Ok, As People die and respawn they are banned for "MP Event Handler Exception", Running Battleye and Anti hax, but how do i solve this?
  6. Justmatel

    New Private Hive - Needs Help.

    Just edited my post with contact details.
  7. Hey guys, I've recently opened up a private Hive using Vert hosting and I'm having a little bit of trouble i cant get my head around. First off battleye Kicks/bans from my server for re-spawning, So id like to make battleye just kick never ban users? Get a proper Server control running so i can access it and check player locations/backpacks/time alive for hackers that way, Script in some more cars etc... Maybe change the loot table a little for helicopter crash sites. Would also like a script or an easier way to make it day time.. possible 24/7 Day. I will pay for your troubles and from what i gather it shouldn't take too long to do. Anyway, I'd appreciate any help i can get in this matter, you will be paid for your time! ( I should probably add that this server is intended for a IH gaming community and may be whitelisted) People that aid in this will have their name credited within the load out screen. - 40 slot server, Anyone that aids me will also have access to it, Their friends too! Its hosted in Kensas, US!) Contact me Through the PM system or Add me on Steam "justmatel" / Hotmail "justmatel@hotmail.com" Thanks, justin
  8. haha thats a solid kill mate. I've had one experience similar to this where a hacker spawned behind me shooting me, My legs broke which resulted in me hitting the floor and quick scoping him with my dmr. good times.
  9. Oh so you just stroll into the airfield with 49 + other players on the server? Lol, I never log into an empty server to gear up, Where is the fun in that :P
  10. Hey Everyone, I'm Justin, I have Been playing dayz for a few solid months now and my first thought of the game was pretty much omg this is awesome.. Its honestly a great day and lots of fun, I'm actually enjoying it a whole lot! My first few bandit experiences were; A few times i met up with some folks who had called out FRIENDLY over mic and i believed them i mean, They didnt have bandit skins and one asked for a bandage so i thought you know he just needs some help, All of a sudden another player comes around the building behind me and shoots me dead. I hear over mic them laughing at me, swearing etc. Have fun with my AK and 2 mags i guess? ... Since then i've basically become a nasty person. i've murdered about 3-4 people just because i didn't wanna die and lose my gear, On the bright side of things i've helped a bunch of others when they remained unarmed or at least had a hero skin. The only issue i have with the game is the amount of hackers. I have died more to hackers then to legit people AND Zombies... The first experience i had with a hacker was basically spending 2 weeks to fully gear up mainly because i was to scared to do anything to quickly, I wasn't too sure on how to play. Anyway, I was running north on a Server with about 15 people when all of a sudden my character falls over and dies, Along with the rest of the guys on it. Pops up on the side blah has been killed blah1 has been killed etc. Since then I've geared up in a few days and then died anyway to people hacking, either teleporting behind me or even teleporting a car behind me and running me over. Some of this shit is pretty annoying i cant actually play a decent game. Its taken me 6 full hours to gear up this time(today) by gear up i mean having a decent gun and equips. I head over to the airfield(NORTH WEST) with another mate who i just saved and we were heading towards the woods to log out and server swap to one with no people when BAM Everyone on the server dies, I hit alt f4 as quickly as i could hoping that i didn't actually die but I did. In the end I'm not sure if Arma 2(for the dayz mod) Is wroth the money i can't fully enjoy the game considering i die to a bunch of low life cheaters so much! Although i can tell you this, I was banned(Global Ban) for apparent "hacks" a week ago on after i was nuked ( My 2 friends were also banned but we were in different parts of the map at the timei don't understand this ban and i have appealed it although i did log into my other steam account and bought the game again. To answer your questions NO, I don't hack, I use to play in tournaments and run my own league. Well, That was my 5 cents. Peace, Justin
  11. Yeah, This has happened many times to myself, Although i see a car appear out of no where and run me over. The amount of hackers/scripters in this game is crazy.
  12. Justmatel

    Global Baned

    A bit harash, Considering some people who are banned actually didn't hack or script anything. Battleye is an awful system to be completely honest. I've died more times to scripters and hackers then i have to zombies and other legit players. Mate, Youre going to have to appeal it through battleye Support, http://www.battleye.com/support.html Ultimately they can just ignore your request or even have it take weeks. Best bet, Hope a new Arma 2 AO and use the new cd key.
  13. Justmatel

    Game is not using GPU -- low fps

    WOWOWOWOWOWOW 80c?!?! Pretty sure It wouldnt run anything on the GPU if its that hot. My 5770HD Runs at less then 55c While playing Bf2/bf3 mw3... My gpu runs at 39/40C idle. not much higher when the load is 50+ Im also trying to fix the low fps rate considering i have a higher tier PC and cant play this game much. I was thinking that maybe the PCs are too advanced for this game? Idk.
  14. Justmatel

    Server darkness

    Thats part of the game mate. Gotta connect to a server which is going through the day phase i guess until you get flares, glowsticks etc