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About MrMorton

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  1. MrMorton

    So..uhhh...now what?

    raiding the airfields with a buddy is the single most intense thing I have ever done in any game. I must say I am addicted to airfields ;P
  2. +1 I love the idea but it might be hard to do with the current situation. I would dearly hope to see this in arma3 dayz or standalone dayz
  3. There is NO solution to PvP because PvP is not a "problem" its an apocalypse simulator, if I am barely surviving in a world of limited resources, do I really want anyone alive near me, draining the pool of precious food, water, and ammo, except for people I know and trust to help me if I get in trouble.
  4. First off, I think the PvE element of this game is nearing a very good "balance" as far as survival goes, and my goal is not to upset this balance and make the game harder or easier. Personally, one of the most rewarding feelings in the game is making that "oh shit" plan of what the hell you are supposed to do at 1000 blood and no ammo and having it work, and the most gut wrenching deaths are when that plan is so close to working but you end up going under. Broken bones do not have that effect at all. If you are low in blood, you can still function decently enough to do things that will raise your blood back up. These things are harder to do, but still entirely possible, whether you are in a group or lonewolfing. However if you break bone, specifically a leg, you are completely unfit to do things to repair your leg, you either have morphine that you got before you broke your leg or you don't. If you don't you are pretty much screwed. The issue is that morphine is extremely rare outside of highly contested areas, but it has to be, because if morphine was as common as bandages, it would be very overpowered. Morphine is to broken bones what blood bags are to blood count, but there is no equivalent of bandages for your broken bones. That is why I propose adding an easy to make "splint." that would fill the role of a lower tier tool against broken limbs. So here is my idea for how it would work: -arm/leg splints are made from right clicking on firewood when you have an axe in your inventory -once a splint is used, a dotted line box appears around the broken limb -when you have a splint on your leg, you can walk/run like normal, however you move at a far slower speed (thinking like a 0.6 multiplier) -when your leg is splinted, it will heal SLOOOOWWWLLLYY over time (I am thinking anywhere from 3-4 hours of gameplay as a base) -the regen rate is based on blood levels, and is extremely dependent on it. For instance if you are at 12000 blood it may take 3 hours, but if you are at 5000 blood it may take 10 hours. This gives players an incentive to continue to search for blood, (or morphine) rather than sit and farm for regen points. -to combat people farming for regen, hunger and thirst deplete more rapidly than normal (thinking 1.4x faster) -morphine still will instantly heal all effects of a broken limb, however I am thinking it may be better balanced to make it like blood bags, where it requires another player (I am on the fence about this, but what do you think?) -breaks to the arm function in the same way, but will be less noticeable as the negative affect is to shooting accuracy I believe (honestly not sure as I have never had a broken arm for a long period of time) Of course there are multiple balancing issues that would need to be considered including: -this makes the hatchet by far the most versatile tool in the game, possibly overpowered. Maybe the hunting knife would be a better choice (or a completely new tool) -it would require fine balancing to make to prevent broken bones from being too easily shrugged off and making morphine still be the holy grail of broken bone recovery without rendering the splint useless and unused -the game in its current state is pretty much "balanced" imo, so is there even really a need for such a mechanic, especially when the game is gravitating towards group play rather than lonewolfing. lastly I would like to again point out that it should not make the game "easier" but rather give a soft counter to broken bones as well as a hard counter, the same way blood loss/gain works.
  5. MrMorton

    Cant get into server - errors with keys?

    I am having the same problem. It seems that every single file with an ARMAII operation arrowhead icon by it in the expansion/addons AND the addons folder is a problem, I really don't want to delete half of the game files in the hope that that will somehow help.
  6. MrMorton

    Lack of an Authentic World

    well if this is the armaII universe, then NATO is fighting in Chernarus when the outbreak occurs, so there would be western equipment.
  7. MrMorton

    Incredible mod for arma2 BUT!!!

    you are either VERY new to the game, or are just trolling there are no "teams" in dayz, the ability to kill players is a core part of the game, and don't trust anyone who you aren't on skype or ts with
  8. if you want something changed, I would suggest going to the suggestions forum and writing up a comprehensive post detailing: -what you want -why it benefits the gameplay experience -why it is an improvement over the current system -possible bias and appropriate compensation saying "ITS BAD BECAUSE IT IS" does nothing to convince anyone you are correct or that your argument has merit, and does not consider rocket's, nor anyone else's, opinions and reasonings on the subject.
  9. if you want something changed, I would suggest going to the suggestions forum and writing up a comprehensive post detailing: -what you want -why it benefits the gameplay experience -why it is an improvement over the current system -possible bias and appropriate compensation saying "ITS BAD BECAUSE IT IS" does nothing to convince anyone you are correct or that your argument has merit, and does not consider rocket's, nor anyone else's, opinions and reasonings on the subject.