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About barros1711

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  1. Yeah? Look at these videos then. www.youtube.com/user/barros1711GP http://img0.colmeia....095bf3cc3e2.jpg By the way, thank you guys. If you can understand what I just did, then you have some brains left. Otherwise, kill yourself. *edit: (L)
  2. This is gonna be a long one! You still don't get what this topic is about, do you? Well I'll let you figure out then. Indeed, thank you. But STILL, you aren't competing with anyone. Of course, but if, and only IF you can see the person. If they are hidden away 1000m with ghillie suit in the middle of trees in the night, kinda hard to spot don't you think? Mad? Mad because of what exactly? Having to lose 10 minutes just to get there again? LOL you like yummy tears? Tell me your server so you can give me some. YES YES, the game where you actually have to practice to win and improve, that one. Someone that talks sense, finally. I have learned it too, and died many other times, but this time the guy was like 1000000m away, and because there were flies around. Anyway, I'll just go there again, it's the closest spot to where my group's camp is, and it doesn't take long to get there, even if you die a couple of time, it's still worth it. Well let's all go to the trees and sit there all day! Wow, you must be some kind of world champion of sitting and pressing two buttons eh? So amazing.
  3. Let's go. Yes, and what I also love, are people that think they have great arguments because of grammer. UHH der. Now you are going to another area of argument man, wait there. Since the beggining, what I said was that people that do that have no skill, or at least that camping is not a sign of skill, in ANY game. Nothing BUT that. And you speak like an "ancient" on the forum, eh? Well, tell me your server, and we can solve it your way. Still, you haven't said nothing I don't know. AND, still can't tell me how pressing W to walk somewhere, and press two buttons is a sign of skill. Everyone in this game is skilled then, because everyone can do it! Bah.
  4. No. Only sniper I found was in the warehouse T_T.
  5. I'm not saying that reflex equals skill. I'm saying that if you want to find out who is better out of two people, you put them in the same position, let them do their thing, and when it's over you find out who is better. That's what I'm pissed off about, there's no actual competition if someone has advantage.
  6. How am I supposed NOT TO GO TO FUCKING STARY SABOR if I'm the on in charge of getting guns? O.O Not being seen? How exactly do you want to do that, Mr. Harry Potter? Would you mind lending me your invisibility cape? Scouting the area? YES sure! Let's walk in the woods 500 meters away, so he can shoot me from a little closer. Genius.
  7. Actually that's not skill, that's "leverage" (don't have the right word for it), to see who is better at ANYTHING, you put two people facing eachother in the exactly same conditions. THEN you get to see who is better. Mad at the situation? LOL my group has enough guns, supplies and medicine to supply your whole server, I'm mad because I was the one collecting weapons, and now have to waste 10 minutes to get back to Stary Sabor. Yes yes indeed, if I take my head out of the barrack he will shoot it. DERP! Me neither. But just to warn the so called "skilled" players, if they want a 1x1 on TF2 that's fine. Or even in DayZ, but face to face.
  8. MW3? HA that's a good one. Since I play Team Fortress 2 since September last year, and just now went to the TF2BR Championship and came back with a 3rd place medal? I'm already good enough in the game that you have to actually PRACTICE to get better, not camp all the time :) Tactics? What kind of tactics can you use, when you are with a Makarov, and the guy is with a CZ 600 meters away? I can't see any tactic possibility there.
  9. Yes indeed, I had just died in the main Airfield, went there to get some weapons and got shot. BAM, not a server hopper my friend, I tell you that.
  10. So you must be the camper. Shall we play another game? Or you have better arguments to try and win this discussion rather than talking about my picture? And by the way, better than me? Sorry man, but I can't see anyone being better than the other by hiding and shooting, that's not a sign of skill well at least not for me.
  11. barros1711


    that's pretty common actually lol. yesterday I found M24, DMR, M4A3, coyote, and a car lol
  12. /irony Congratulations, you can press M2 to aim and M1 to fire, a very skilled player indeed.
  13. barros1711

    Good recording software?

    Fraps. If you have a decent computer, of course.
  14. barros1711

    Be or not to be friendly?

    I just found my friend in-game (took forever though) and my entire Team Fortress 2 is gathering around to play DayZ. (around 15 players). You guys could wonder what that many people could do. But we're friends, don't worry. (or not)
  15. barros1711

    Man playing on is hard work

    Well aren't you sweet Mr. Castle. I'd kiss you if I could! JK I wouldn't, but ty anyway! D: