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About deuk

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  1. Name: Deuk Location: Netherlands GUID: de2a4b26a16d07d364852eb6fd3142e2 Why I want to play on UK#10: I'm just totally into DayZ and I like everything about it, apart from the hackers. Seeing a very popular whitelisted just peaked my attention and I'd love to play on your server :)
  2. deuk

    Balota Buddies. The place to be!

    Just gonna bump this, I wanna see even more players on the UK servers! Gotta say, I'm amazed with how well this server is managed :)
  3. Someone is playing the game on DE 62 right now, be careful
  4. deuk

    Join My clan at dayzmodclan.webs.com

    You do realise that website hurts people's eyes right?
  5. deuk

    Clan server 10 slots

  6. deuk

    FR48 Admin abuse

    OP is right, kept joining the server just to annoy the admin (his name was "harry" incase anyone was wondering). Same on LU131.. I have no idea what's wrong with these people
  7. Me and my buddy joined North Carolina 15 and about 2 minutes later it said we had both been kicked. We reconnected because we were 100% sure we didn't do anything wrong. When we got back there was only and admin in the lobby (DocQ). Then we got kicked again and after reconnecting we connected again, only to get kicked off again. Then the server went offline and I'm currently trying to reconnect again. Not sure why we were getting kicked off, but seeing as the admin was the only player left in the game it's hard for me to not think he was just trying to loot. If he was just trying to restart the server there would've been no need to kick us. Anyway, here's some screenshots. http://i.imgur.com/0Ap1p.jpg http://i.imgur.com/VmUEh.jpg http://i.imgur.com/47v89.jpg http://i.imgur.com/zXm96.png http://i.imgur.com/aIs5p.jpg Seeing as we did absolutely nothing wrong, I have no idea why we got kicked.
  8. deuk

    DayZ's Community Now!!?!?

    There are friendlies, not everyone shoots on sight. And when they do, I won't give a damn if you d/c to prevent a death or not. Just stop crying about the game and actually start playing. Yes, I do shoot some people on sight. But only if they're either aiming at me, don't respond to my calls, are dangerously close to my friend that I'm covering or they just have gear I want for myself. Other than that, I usually just try and let them pass without them even knowing I'm around while I just keep an eye on them. All I can say is play more and you'll meet friendly people, use the voice chat and if you have remotely decent gear try to stay out of sight. Being stealthy is the key to finding friendlies while not getting killed yourself.
  9. Ok, well I just killed a zombie. Gonna put that stuff on it and hide the body :) Thanks guys, I just wanted to be safe.. don't want to get banned over something stupid like this lol
  10. Really? :( No way I can remove the items and keep the Ural?
  11. Hey guys! I've just found a Ural Civilian sitting on the airfield, it probably belonged to someone but I just hopped in and drove off. When I was at a safe distance I decided to look what was inside and I found some really really weird shit. I know people hack stuff into the game and this just seems really fishy to me. Hope someone can confirm my feelings and tell me what to do with it, because I want to keep the Ural.. but obviously if that stuff is hacked in then I don't want those items with it. http://i.imgur.com/NcKN0.jpg Rest that's inside: 30x 30Rnd. AK 10x 5RND. KSVK 4x Smoke Grenade 10x SVD Dragunov Mag. Thanks for the help guys! :)
  12. Can confirm this, just looted a L85A2 AWS off a helicopter crash site and died about 4 minutes after that. Sad day.. didn't even go for my body, it was in Stary Sobor and I just couldn't be arsed running there again immediately
  13. deuk

    What happened to LU27?

    No one? Shame I lost out on such a good server then :(