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Vile (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Vile (DayZ)

  1. Vile (DayZ)

    DCing to avoid players

    I like that you use the excuse of 'only seeing what the forum users think' to escape from accusations of cheating as well. You must be really bad at confrontation. Did you hide in lockers when people walked by you in school because they might have hit you? Do you swerve off the road when oncoming traffic gets close? Learn to live life and not worry about some imaginary loot you picked up. Take a risk and just shoot the person and see what they have. If you die, big fucking deal, you can get everything again in like 20 minutes. Here's how you should probably play the game. Get a water bottle, find a lake away from any towns and hunt food to stay alive. Now there's no chance someone will kill you and take your precious makarov.
  2. I remember hearing something about this being that there was a player cap that was hit or something, but my question is - is there any way to restore my equipment? Normally I wouldn't be that upset about it, but I had accumulated a nice bit of gear, NVGs, silenced m9, and a M16A2 M203. I've been avoiding respawning or doing too much in case it overwrites my hive stats, but it'd be nice if anyone knew if there was anything I could do to fix this / get my stuff back. Should I just stop playing and wait for an update to see if that changes it? Should I email rocket or something? also, if there's any way to reset me, here's my player ID: 21210118 Honestly I'd be fine if you spawned me with nothing but the NVGs, but seeing as you're under no obligation to me to do anything of the sort, if someone could at the very least tell me it's not going to happen I would be appreciative.
  3. Vile (DayZ)

    Is this your tent?

    found a set of 5 tents with m24 & ammo, nvg's, every tool, silenced m9 and more. thought about taking the tents from their tents and hopping between servers to take absolutely everything, but even I felt that crossed the line, so I just took the nearby van and flattened them all after I was done looting.
  4. against a single survivor -walk through one door, see someone, sprint around to the other entrance and shoot them in the back of the face, 90% of the time they're still looking at the door you came through. against two or more - same as above but every time you kill someone, switch to the other entrance again. I was coming out of the barracks at the NW airfield, and at the first shed by the fence there, someone was looting some pile inside, blasted him a bunch with my pistol, saw his friend back out the door, sprinted around the fence to find him planning an ambush for when i came through the door, switched to my m24 and killed him. Why don't people expect this ever? Is it because they expect everyone to move slow?
  5. Vile (DayZ)

    The worst ever bandit.

    I had sort of a similar situation in the balota airfield tower. I climbed up the ladder because I thought I saw someone go in earlier, and when i got to the top and went into the control room or whatever it's called, there was a dead body. I assumed he had died of blood loss or something since I hadn't heard any shots. I looted a few clips off the body, and when I turned around there was someone in the corner aiming at me. He took a few shots at me while I ran around and pulled my m1014 out and reloaded it, he didn't hit me once before i killed him. Looted him to find nvg's a silenced m9, the m16 with the grenade launcher, and one of every tool except the entrenching tools. I half wonder if they were hacked items, because I don't feel someone that stupid could have gotten that through skill of any sort.
  6. Vile (DayZ)

    Conscience, a bandits short story

    stopped reading at the word 'toon'
  7. Vile (DayZ)


    the problem with people who say that this game is still easy with no gun is that they're already used to the game. New players that are already fighting the convoluted control system from arma2 are not going to do well or like this game how it is now. I understand that most people who have played past their first 4 deaths can loot and get around with no problem, but people who are just finding out about the game are being basically turned away at the door. This seems like a detrimental effect on the game as a whole, and something should probably be changed. Either give back starting guns, give them to players for their first 5 lives, or scale zombie population density and difficulty inland.
  8. Vile (DayZ)

    Waiting for character to create

    try using the six launcher to keep all your files up to date, as this is the main reason I experience this problem. Also, it helps to look through the keybinds and get an idea of what does what when you first start, I reset my keybinds to what is intuitive for me, which is esdf instead of wasd so I have my fingers on the keyboard the way it was designed (wasd never made sense to me). Also, moving over lets you have extra keybinds. I think resetting my keybinds helped me get the controls a lot better. Anyways, good luck.
  9. spawning with no guns makes this game a lot less friendly to newcomers, who are already battling the game's clunky controls and wonky zombie aggro effects. I know a lot of people don't have a problem with it, because the average forum user is probably an avid player, so what you aren't hearing are the people who are trying out the game and being discouraged because they are just running around getting shot. I really enjoy the high difficulty, but there has to be some way to make the game harder that doesn't effect newcomers. Veterans of DayZ are also more likely to die less often, making the game exponentially less frustrating than it is for those newcomers that die often. I understand a lot of people are protective of the game's new difficulty, but to keep this game healthy in the long run, there needs to be a system that doesn't encourage people to stop playing within a few deaths. Scaling zombie difficulty from easy zombies on the beaches to harder zombies inland whilst correlating the amount and / or quality of loot similarly would make the game easy for newcomers and also challenging for people who want that challenge. I want to see this mod succeed very much, and to have a healthy community, you can't just have the 5% of players who are so into the game that they sign up on the forums, because those players have different perspectives and tastes than 95% of the players. I could name plenty of great games that died because the developers concentrated on the demands of those who demanded and not those who had one foot on each side of the fence. I'm not suggesting you pander to the casual community, and the difficulty of the game is what makes it so fun to a lot of us, so I'm not saying to dumb that down by any means, but making it absurdly hard for newcomers is counterproductive on a number of levels. anyways, that's my two cents.