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Everything posted by Uncivilizedgaming

  1. Uncivilizedgaming

    Dayz Pumpkin Eaters Vids

  2. Uncivilizedgaming

    Dayz Pumpkin Eaters Vids

  3. Uncivilizedgaming

    Dayz Pumpkin Eaters Vids

    This one is some pretty random Dayz footage. But you might a few laughs out of it.
  4. Uncivilizedgaming

    Dayz Pumpkin Eaters Vids

    Funny video I made for a streamer on twitch. Check him out at http://www.twitch.tv/infectedmidget Thanks for watching.
  5. Uncivilizedgaming

    Dayz SKS burnup, Barrel Testing, V3S Hit and run.

    Just some random dayz footage.
  6. Uncivilizedgaming

    Dayz SKS burnup, Barrel Testing, V3S Hit and run.

    Dayz - A Survivor's Crusade
  7. Uncivilizedgaming

    Trading Post

    Come on down to Chernarus Auto. We got Green ones, Blue ones, Orange ones. We also have the new cargo models. But don't forget your SVDs and M4s. Barter only, we don't take credit. Located 4 miles west of Kamenka next to Izzy's bargain tents and barrels. (Disclaimer-We can not Guaranty that your new truck won't flip, spin in the air or smash to the point of not working and hurt and/or kill you. Pristine trades only accepted at this time. Please no walk ins to Parking lot without appointment as our security shoots on site.)
  8. 30 Jerry cans of fuel...Check 24 Glowplugs..............Check 6 Truck Batteries.........Check Lets do this. I would love to see this in the game. Mobile bases. As a side note it would be cool to build a base on the back of a chassis truck, wooden camper so to speak. Train Robberies, Mobile gun platforms, Train Sim RP. Thanks for reading.
  9. They all sound like good ideas. Hand cars too. I guess if you want to say the word realistic this or can't do that. to be realistic would mean that you could do it, even if it took 50 years lol
  10. Thanks for the heads up. Maybe one day :)
  11. Holy how that fuel tank size. Not going to cut it for sure, I hope they can fairy tale it in somehow tho.
  12. Uncivilizedgaming

    Please add empty inventory of tent button.

    I realize this game is in beta and all, but for some reason guns and other things end up going into the lower part of tent inventory. This makes it impossible to pack the tent, as tents are bugged and you can not scroll down on inventory slots. I have done some research on this and players have said to remove items from tent and relog. They have also said to remove items and restart the server. (I am admin on server) I have been told removing everything would cause items in lower area to move up to top after relog/server reset None of the above has seemed to work. (I would love if anyone can post a solution for me, but I think its bugged until tents are fully reworked) I am happy to just go find new tents, but it would be better if I did not have to leave tents behind. Easy fix just to have an empty tent button to semi patch this issue. Thanks.
  13. Uncivilizedgaming

    Please add empty inventory of tent button.

    I am happy to take google lessons anytime, "People Helping me" is what I was looking for originally and couldn't find on my own after 5 hours of searching the "wrong" way, My only problem is when users on a forum can't help but to be a dbag, especially when they have the "Right" answer. Your know your little bs post was condescending and just because your some sort of self proclaimed expert on googling things does not make it right. Manners bro, that is all I ask for. Thanks again for the help Hekeetsu and Sak. Continue below sausage on how you were elected as the official google expert for the last two presidents and you found Osama with google for seal team six.
  14. Uncivilizedgaming

    Please add empty inventory of tent button.

    Sweet, picked up a troll also. Hey buddy, Why don't you google the issue I was talking about and see how many things come up. Here, Ill do it for you Googling dayz tent cannot access inventory Results http://dayz.gamepedia.com/Big_Military_Tent_Backpack https://steamcommunity.com/app/221100/discussions/0/626329820936700698/ https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/2hgr4h/cant_access_items_in_tent/ https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/2on2rb/the_military_tent_wont_let_us_scroll_down_so_12/ https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/47297-tent-inventory-space/ https://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/49187-tent-capacity/ https://feedback.dayz.com/view.php?id=19433 Guess what Sausage man, Not one of those say anything about a new UI that you have to "Force" the game to use for a tent to work right. Best part about it is you can't even use the new UI as it does not tell you if your hungry, thirsty, wet, hurt or bleeding. Half the time the information that comes up is completely outdated or is not even for this version on the game. Its not my job to put "Effort into this game" as I am not the Dev making it and the standard UI is broke. Instead of making some bs argument out of nothing for "Entertainment" Please put some more effort into not being a Sausage DBAG. Again, thank you guys so much for the help, I really admire people who try to help new players and considering the fact I am paying over so $74 bucks a month for a server so that Mr Sausage Dbag can tell me I am not "Putting effort into a game".
  15. Uncivilizedgaming

    Please add empty inventory of tent button.

    I had to take a break from the game for a few days but happy to report the newui thingy fixed my issues and all tents have been recovered.
  16. Uncivilizedgaming

    Please add empty inventory of tent button.

    I have not made it to the tents of xmas past, but holy cow that UI is kind of terrible, But I will keep it if it fixes my issues. Will come back with info after I get to my sad tents.
  17. Uncivilizedgaming

    Please add empty inventory of tent button.

    I have not heard of this magic, thank you I will give it a try!