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Everything posted by xxYokexx

  1. The Sand Box is here!! We are a new Arma 2 DayZ OverPoch server with tons of addons and a cool custom map !! Im only running a 20 slot server till i get a better player base! Also im always looking for Mod/Admins The TS is currently Down anyone wanting to apply for admins or mods my email will be posted at the end of the thread also im looking Devs, Coders, and Managers you can also apply for those Via Email Here are some of the addons/mods i have in my server ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -A Plot for life v2.23-Build Vectors v3-Snap Pro 1.4.1-ESS V2 (Enhanced Spawn Select)-Debug Monitor-Burn Tents-Deploy Bike-Crafting-Suicide-Binocular Fog-Carepackage on self -Carepackage on map-Animated MV22 \SUV (ebay)-Sirens-Nitro-Regen Blood-Fast Rope-CAGN=will be updating to a different one -Harvest Hemp-DZGM ( Group Management)-Drink Water-Arrest/Investigate-Tent Sleep Healing-Zombie Bait/Bomb-Anti Zombie emitter-VASP 1.2-fast trade-Trade from vehicle + Backpack-Door Management-Paint Vehicles-EVR Blow Out-Elevator -Journal-Craft In Shed-DZAI 2.1.3-WAI 2.1.4 -Extra Loot Postions -Animated C130 Crashes -Animated AN2 Crashes -AN2 Carepackage Drops-Animate Heli Crashes -DZMS 1.1 -DZMSHotSpots -Tow + Lift -Bury Body -Cannibalism -Take Clothes-Zombie Trucks-Hero perks-Walk Amongst Dead-Service points-JAEM-Snow -Ground Fog-Advanced Alchemy Building-Weapon Mods -Fast Rope godmode -Watermark image -Single Currency 3.0 There will alot more added or taken away! thanks for looking i hope to see you guys soon YOKE
  2. toxicsandboxgaming@gmail.com sorry about that lol