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About isthisgameplayable

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  1. isthisgameplayable

    Stable Branch - 0.58 Discussion

    I bet 50$ BETA will happen it 8-10 months ;) This dev team is a joke.
  2. isthisgameplayable

    Just had a random character wipe

    It's alpha, you can't get it back, it happens, deal with it or stop playing until full release like 70% of people did.
  3. isthisgameplayable

    Trading Post

    You people are funny :D trading in this game is pointless like trading in battlefield 4 You will get snipe by someones friend who waits for you around the corner and the guy you met can always say "it wasnt my friend" or "I died too". It's not worth the time you have to spend running to meeting spot and it's not worth the risk.
  4. isthisgameplayable

    Hello Just Bough The Game

    What a idiot lol!!! Just kidding :D welcome mate!
  5. isthisgameplayable


    We can watch some "realistic" zombie apocalypse scenario in The Walking Dead show and none is wearing soldier camos there. They all look like normal civilians and it's cool.
  6. isthisgameplayable


    Well I'm sure the problem with weapons spawn will be solved by developers or private server's admins sooner or later (yeah later, much later). I'm not so sure about grass because I used to play DayZ mod and it was fuc*ed there (is it still?). It must be so annoying for hardcore 1PP players - imagine you are prone in the bush, you see shit because there is a grass in front of you but that sniper camping 300m away... well u know the rest. I really hope they'll find solution for grass. These naked hills make me want to click F11.
  7. isthisgameplayable


    First of all sry for bad english. There are only 2 problems I have with this game and I want to tell you about them: 1. Guns should be much more rare. For now DayZ is zombie apocalypse world where 80% of players run around with modern automatic and sniper rifles. Almost every player has military gear and looks like a soldier. What the hell is this? Cmon. Guns should be hard to find. By "hard" I mean HARD. Pistols should be common, all these wooden-ended rifles should be rare no matter if it's mosin or shotgun. High-tech military weapons like m4 should be pain in ass to find. Ammo for all weapons should be even more fu*king rare because for now you play for 3 hours and you are walking armory. People don't count bullets, they just spray. This is not what you expect from survival game. My perfect vision of DayZ is where group of 5 friends walk together but only one of them has revolver and 9 bullets in pocket which he found 2 days ago in mlitary base. Second guy has a shotgun with no ammo, the rest use melee weapons. They all heading west hoping to finally find some camo pants or helmet. They're all scared because they heard some legend about m4 guy with full mag near NWAF 2. Grass draw distance. This should be atleast 3 time bigger because the actual state is just a joke. You go prone in tall grass and you think none can see you but the fact is the only person who see this tall grass is you - to player who's 300 meters away you are lying in the middle of field with no cover. I know when you make grass draw distance alot bigger computers will use alot more resources but we live in 2015 and people should understand that they can't play new games on 2007 PCs. I'm talking about final state [or near final - late BETA] cuz for now we all know FPS suck no matter what. To me these are two game breaking points which MUST be fixed if DayZ wants to see me playing again :) What you guys think?
  8. isthisgameplayable

    To report piracy?

    Reward? Lol. Are you new to... reality?
  9. isthisgameplayable

    Curiosity peaked

    Yes I played mod for 2 years and I'm sure you will be able to take it down with rifles like m4 or ak. LOL did u play?
  10. isthisgameplayable

    Curiosity peaked

    Just like in most of games by shooting at it with rifle?
  11. isthisgameplayable

    Bohemia Interactive History

    Cool but would be much better to see it with some actual DayZ gameplay. You used old pre-alpha trailer :P
  12. isthisgameplayable

    All you Hardcore players packed it up and left?

    Oh hit the right spot of some forum warrior lel :D
  13. isthisgameplayable

    All you Hardcore players packed it up and left?

    There are 1000 hardcore players crying around the forum "hardcore servers are empty ;(". Logic lol.
  14. isthisgameplayable

    Love the nights

    I just created account to ask WHY? Why you spam youtube?