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Everything posted by phisher34
Love seeing this in the changelog: Object creation completely recoded (tents working 100%) Is there an explanation on how they work now. Do they follow you from server to server or do they just properly hold gear? If you get DC'd while one is pitched can you still access it when you relog?
Downed choppers too common? Thoughts? (PIC)
phisher34 replied to phisher34's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I am not saying that luck isn't involved if you have no clue where they spawn. But if you do know where they spawn, then they just become a gimmick to be exploited or taken advantage of. That is all I am saying. Right now they spawn right after a server reset in predictable locations. They often spawn with 2 or even 3 right next to each other. A semi-organized group can get enough supplies to last for weeks (months) in the course of a day or two. As the person mentioned above, it will catch on and eventually there will be way too many of these weapons on the server. -
Downed choppers too common? Thoughts? (PIC)
phisher34 replied to phisher34's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
We just found that one that spawns up at the NW AF, same spot as you said - in the grass near the tarmac. It has been added to the list. So far out of about 15 runs (3 server restarts per day ~8hr apart) it has only been there once. -
Downed choppers too common? Thoughts? (PIC)
phisher34 replied to phisher34's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
That's what I am saying man, no luck involved, just the odds. If you know where they spawn its just a time investment. :) -
Downed choppers too common? Thoughts? (PIC)
phisher34 replied to phisher34's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Doing the loop, found 3 downed choppers in same location. Posting pics soon. -
Downed choppers too common? Thoughts? (PIC)
phisher34 replied to phisher34's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Downed choppers too common? Thoughts? (PIC)
phisher34 replied to phisher34's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I think you are missing the point. I want it to be random. We wrote the coordinate to see if they were random, and they aren't. Or the parameters are so strict for where they spawn that there are only a handful of places they can spawn. If I shared the coordinates that would be the problem. -
Downed choppers too common? Thoughts? (PIC)
phisher34 replied to phisher34's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Maybe it's server related, they weren't really fixed until last patch (been playing for 3 months as well). The fact that some people haven't run into them doesn't counteract that they are spawning in predictable places. They are most often found in big fields in the middle to NW side of the map. -
Downed choppers too common? Thoughts? (PIC)
phisher34 replied to phisher34's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Just look in the large fields around Stary/Vybor/Gorka. From time to time there they will spawn at a few points closer to Vishnoye or near Berezino but not nearly as often. -
Downed choppers too common? Thoughts? (PIC)
phisher34 replied to phisher34's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
They do spawn all over the map, always in larger fields near towns (not on the Airfields). I think the problem is that our group did nothing special to map out where they spawn and other groups will catch on to it too. If it was limited to 1 chopper per server that would be a better compromise. But as it is now we can get a group of 12 guys fully stocked in little less than an hour. This means our tents now have multiples of all these guns. We've started just throwing them on to the ground so they despawn. -
Downed choppers too common? Thoughts? (PIC)
phisher34 replied to phisher34's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
To clarify, it might not be that the spawns are coming from a pool of pre-established coordinates. But the parameters for allowing a chopper to spawn (X distance from town, ...) is putting them reliably in a predictable location. -
Downed choppers too common? Thoughts? (PIC)
phisher34 replied to phisher34's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Our group has written down the spawn coordinates, and even if they are truly random, we can drive a full loop of these coordinates in under an hour. Sometimes even finding two (once three) choppers in the same spot. -
HFB Servers, I have a 400MB script log file - anyway to reset it
phisher34 posted a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
I posted this in another forum when it was 200MB, it goes up about 25Mb-50Mb per day. I can't download it as it would take many many hours now. Is there a way to reset it or delete it? It's the battleye/scripts.log file located in the CP. Thanks Ah if this can get moved to Server General, thought I posted it in there. Sorry -
**Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance
phisher34 replied to [email protected]'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Hey Hamster, I have a 400MB battleeye/server.log file located in the CP. It goes up about 50MB a day. Wasn't sure if there was a way to reset it, as I it is too large to download timely and I am sure if the other servers have similar sizes it is bogging down something. Thanks -
DayZ Staff are overlooking administrative abuse...
phisher34 replied to Spartan36's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
The odds of it though are small, and I think if players can show a consistent behavior, than something can be done about it. It's the same thing if a player was in the middle of a firefight and their power went out. To everyone else it seems like an obvious disconnect to avoid combat. But it was completely innocent. The first time it happens, it's suspicious. But if you can show a pattern, or especially if the server is locked afterwards (which is against DayZ rules anyways), then I think there is enough to blacklist it. -
Locking servers is reason enough. One of our admins did it briefly (30 seconds) to sniff out a hacker using script logs. I got an automated email 10 minutes later from our provider saying that if it happens again the server can be shut down. To me that is awesome. Though ours had a legitimate reason, the admin didn't know he couldn't lock it. I think every server should be considered 1 or 2 locks away from blacklist. Especially if everyone in the server is from the same group.
DayZ Staff are overlooking administrative abuse...
phisher34 replied to Spartan36's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Until there are dedicated tools for this, which most likely won't happen in the ARMA 2 engine, the best thing is to just get word of mouth out when it happens. The problem with word of mouth though is it is not always accurate, and clearly people have shown a tendency to lie or cry wolf. I will say however that I have never restarted the server right before, during, or after a firefight. To me that makes no sense, if the server is having technical issues you shouldn't be out engaging. So maybe the best thing is to show that it was the admin that you engaged or stole the vehicle from quickly followed by a restart. That would be proof enough for me - maybe not for any official action but enough to avoid the server. That being said, I restart our server usually every 8 hours and give several minutes warning before it happens. Sometimes I can't always give a warning but I am never in-game at those times either. -
DayZ Staff are overlooking administrative abuse...
phisher34 replied to Spartan36's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
As per this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=18813&page=2 Server admins need access to this info to find people that are exploiting or script hacking. I was falsely accused of abusing the admin rights on these forums. If I didn't have this info these exploits and hacks would go unnoticed. Admins that abuse their powers need be to called out, but with evidence. Just like hackers. It's easy to sling mud and then get mad at the moderators for not cleaning it up. EDIT: Let the community cull out the bad admins or servers. They will get a reputation for their behavior. -
Forum for posting "Ban Reports" - any possibility?
phisher34 posted a topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
I have recently had to ban a few individuals on our server for disconnecting mid firefight. These individuals had caused trouble before and there was plenty of evidence to back this up. Flashforward to today where I see one of them accusing me of abusing the admin abilities and basically lying about the events that happened. It wouldn't bother me as much but I do know that some players have been banned unfairly on other servers, and those players have every right to be pissed. I hate being thrown in the mix with these admins by people who lie on the forums as I try to create a fair and just place for people to play. Coincidentally I created a thread on our community forums, basically a ban report that included the individuals name and evidence backing up the ban. I think it might be nice having a forum to do this here. That way admins who are thorough and patient don't have to worry about getting blacklisted for people lying or bending the truth. Let me know your thoughts, Thread in reference: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=18813&page=2 -
Forum for posting "Ban Reports" - any possibility?
phisher34 replied to phisher34's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Certainly, I think we will just need a central thread to get it started. There is no point in creating a thread for each ban. It kind of couples with the idea of a server admin forum. -
phisher34 replied to Zudren (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
I knew this post would be coming. For those that care, this individual was stalking our TS. He was banned from our TS about a week before this happened (running our TS and Vent with friends at the same time). It's a Sparta TS server we can run it how we like (Our TS was also infiltrated by the same individual who hacked the main DayZ server - so understand we are skeptical) So this week prior we believe he just sat in our TS channel and had is friends meet us where we said we were going. That is legit "meta" gaming that is completely okay with us, but it doesn't mean we have to let you use our TS. Completely unrelated to this event. Wether he did or not is also beside the point, again, the teamspeak server can be run how we want, you won't get any sympathy complaining about that. So this event, we had a member at our 'camp'. He engaged in a firefight with your group. Player ID's were turned on via the crosshair which is the only way we knew who it was, so you weren't far away - you were directly in his sights taking fire. He said your group disconnected multiple times mid-firefight and repositioned on other servers. Our server logs completely back this up you and your friends connecting and disconnecting every few minutes. Even coming in under different names (Andrew Russell, AtomicFlounder...) That is why you were banned. You can attack our camp all you want. We encourage it. But dropping out of a firefight is cowardly. Lying about it on these forums is pathetic. The duped Tents were from the bug of constantly clicking on pitch tent to find the right spot, we actually wanted to get rid of them because there were way too many. EDIT: This personal fascination with me is also incredibly odd 2ND EDIT: "Zudren" or his friends have gone by the name Andrew Russell, AtomicFlounder, and Pimpin Lobster to clear up any confusion. 3:21:15 Player Andrew Russell disconnected. 3:21:17 Andrew Russell uses modified data file 3:21:17 Player Andrew Russell connecting. 3:21:25 Player Andrew Russell disconnected. 3:21:29 Andrew Russell uses modified data file 3:21:29 Player Andrew Russell connecting. 3:21:37 Player Andrew Russell disconnected. 3:22:56 Player El Chupacabra disconnected. 3:23:02 Andrew Russell uses modified data file 3:23:02 Player Andrew Russell connecting. 3:23:10 Player Andrew Russell disconnected. 3:23:43 Andrew Russell uses modified data file 3:23:43 Player Andrew Russell connecting. 3:23:51 Player Andrew Russell disconnected. -- 3:25:20 Andrew Russell uses modified data file 3:25:20 Player Andrew Russell connecting. 3:25:28 Player Andrew Russell disconnected. 3:25:30 Andrew Russell uses modified data file 3:25:30 Player Andrew Russell connecting. 3:25:38 Player Andrew Russell disconnected. 3:25:39 Andrew Russell uses modified data file 3:25:39 Player Andrew Russell connecting. -- (Dillon Jackson is his friend) 3:29:56 Andrew Russell uses modified data file 3:29:56 Player Andrew Russell connecting. 3:30:04 Player Andrew Russell disconnected. 3:30:43 Dillon Jackson uses modified data file 3:30:43 Player Dillon Jackson connecting. 3:31:22 Andrew Russell uses modified data file 3:31:22 Player Andrew Russell connecting. 3:31:30 Player Andrew Russell disconnected. 3:33:41 Andrew Russell uses modified data file 3:33:41 Player Andrew Russell connecting. 3:33:49 Player Andrew Russell disconnected. 3:34:30 Player Dillon Jackson disconnected. -- You come back as a different alias (why would that be?) (Player ID's and GUID match) 4:44:13 Player AtomicFlounder connecting. 4:44:14 Player AtomicFlounder connected 4:47:55 Player AtomicFlounder disconnected. These logs alone wouldn't lead me to ban you, but coupled with the player that was at the camp that watched you, there was more than enough evidence. Also keep in mind I could have banned you weeks ago for spamming the server side chat: -
It's all about odds. Bigger cities = more loot spawns. Small cities = less loot spawns. Each loot spawn has a % to create certain items. Bigger cities don't increase the % of specific loot, there is just more of them.
Rocket, is there a way to make the connect/disconnect message server specific?
phisher34 posted a topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
We had a topic going in Server General where we determined that the removal of the connect/disconnect message was done via the mission file. None of us want to modify that file as we understand it is against DayZ rules/ethics. Is there a way to make this a server choice instead? Similar to the death messages that can be turned on/off via the difficulty settings. I was all for removing it, but after a string of players in our server that would disconnect in a firefight, server hop, change positions, then reconnect to ours, it became difficult to keep track of who they were. We keep the player ID's turned on only for this reason to help identify them. Right now, I've been checking server logs and rpt. files (some of these players would even change their profile names thinking I wouldn't notice - but the ID's and GUID's match). The only problem with this is it requires alt-tabbing and waiting for the report file to update. It also isn't a surefire method as other players could disconnect or reconnect at the same time. Thanks! -
Is there a way to turn back on connecting / disconnecting mesages?
phisher34 replied to phisher34's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
The logs aren't that accurate for determining who is logging off during a firefight because they are often delayed and you can have multiple people disconnecting shortly after one another. What would be the setting in the difficulty option? -
**Quality DayZ Server Hosting** ~BEC~ |HFBSERVERS.COM| Highest Performance
phisher34 replied to [email protected]'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Yea I just got Rcon up and running and I think that took care of it.