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Everything posted by phisher34

  1. phisher34

    L85A2 disabled? Reaaaly? DICE?

    Not at all Lobo, See the thread about crashed helicopters: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=21514 They are too common even when obtaining them legitimately.
  2. phisher34

    L85 needs to be changed

    Like what? Just curious?
  3. phisher34

    L85A2 disabled? Reaaaly? DICE?

    L85 had no place in this game. It was more common than a bicycle.
  4. phisher34

    L85 needs to be changed

    Looks like it might have been removed in this patch. Lots of people saying it has disappeared out of inventory, tents, and vehicles.
  5. An admin cannot spawn in weapons. I thought their video captured DayZ quite well. I don't think most people considered it to be bashing the game, they obviously had a lot of fun playing it.
  6. Maybe, I am probably reading to much into it, but seeing it written as weapon(s) - and I would call bear traps, well traps not really a weapon. Either way, hoping for a stable release :)
  7. I am curious as to what the new weapons are, they don't seem to be mentioned in the update log either: 1.7.2 is progressing well. Significant performance improvements, weather affects stealth, new weapons, more melee. More updates soon -Rocket
  8. phisher34

    L85 needs to be changed

    It's not OP, it's a tool like anything else. It just doesn't fit in this world and is becoming way to common. That is the argument.
  9. phisher34

    L85 needs to be changed

    Our group has had dozens, all legitimately acquired. Same with NVG's and .50 cal rifles. EDIT: Getting rid of thermal and NVG's just makes sense. These items don't fit in this world at all. Not to mention that your average grunt is not going to be walking around with thermal sights or night vision. It is uncommon even in the military let alone the post-apocalypse.
  10. phisher34

    L85 needs to be changed

    Definitely agree that thermals and nvg's should be removed. It doesn't fit the world where cars are more rare, and goes against the anti-game mentality by giving players a crutch device. The nighttime mechanics would improve dramatically as everyone would be required to use either a flashlight, flare, or chemlights in order to navigate.
  11. It seems downed choppers are the new barracks. There are usually 3 or 4 that spawn with each server restart, often in the same positions as earlier spawns. Two survivors and a vehicle can load up with a dozen end game weapons (thermal sighted rifle, NV FAL, DMR, M107) in about an hour. Not to mention medical supplies and ammo. To me this is starting to feel too easy and adding a huge influx of rare weapons into the world. I know someone will argue that if it is too easy then to let other people get access to the choppers. However, that doesn't solve the problem of these items becoming too common, it makes it worse. I would rather destroy these weapons than letting them stockpile in a Ural or tent. To go further, I feel we should get rid of NVG's and thermal sights all together. At minimum maybe have the NV FAL or the Rangefinder, but put in batteries. Modify the mission file so it is back to full-moon phases though. It's starting to get hard distinguishing this post-apocolyptic world from the regular fully-geared ARMA servers. EDIT: So this isn't just a bitchfest, I think the idea of crashed choppers are great. But maybe have 1 crashed chopper per reset, maybe a couple burning humvees (much more possible places to spawn these)
  12. I am seeing more of these topics crop up. Too many L85's, .50 cal, NVG's. It's just odd to me that an anti-game model would allow such 'crutch' weapons and items to permeate so easily. The CZ should be the gold standard of long-range weaponry in a post-apocalyptic society. EDIT: I guess it is odd that an everyday vehicle is harder to acquire and maintain than advanced thermal imaging devices and night vision goggles. If cars need fuel, then make these devices use up batteries. Or get rid of them. Nighttime play will be way more fun.
  13. EDIT: Taken care of on their TS channel.
  14. The sound of someone entering or exiting vehicle travels about 1km, much further than even the engine noises travel. I am assuming this is a bug, but I thought I remembering this being an issue with ARMA 2. Is this something that can be addressed? It seems it probably isn't a DayZ Dev issue though but BIS.
  15. phisher34

    Why are car doors so loud?

    I've owned two actually :)
  16. Good reporting. It's also clear this isn't one bad apple but a group of players. It would seem that the clan's name has been tarnished, and blaming one person for this isn't going to make it go away.
  17. There are a few side chat threads on the forums, each one can give a reader a conflicting view. Side Chat As I understand it, Rocket said he prefers not to have Side Chat on but won't blacklist servers that choose to. This is coupled with the fact that eventually a radio-type feature will be implemented that will remove the need for side chat. (This is coming from user posts I have no direct link, if someone wants to provide it) This started with the TX server who said the mission file was edited by a DayZ Dev per request. The actual change is incredibly easy to make which led several others (including ours) to turn it back on until the above feature is introduced. Some DayZ devs or community members have said they don't believe it is allowed but no one knows definitively as others have said it is okay for now. The (temporary) case for side chat We turned it on, on our server and have noticed a 180 degree change for the better. Players who want to work together, can. Bandits who want to stalk and hunt someone across the map, can as well. VOIP is still enabled and just monitored for people broadcasting in side. (Which was always the case before it was removed) Our server used to empty to 10 or less players at night, now it stays full as I assume people are more confident in meeting up. The new player benefits and overall experience in my opinion has been improved. Not to mention, half the time when people ask anything it is: "What server is this?" So friends can join or they can remember to come back later. (We have it in our MOTD as well) I think until a way to communicate over larger distances is introduced (via radio) this is the best temporary solution. Though, if today Rocket wants all servers to revert back I am happy to do so. System Messages Our server also turned on the server messages, this is the Connecting / Disconnecting messages, as well as those that are kicked from battleye or by an admin. It is done the same way as side chat being added. There is only one main reason we turned it back on and that was to identify players who routinely disconnect mid firefight. We used to have Crosshairs turned on which ID'd players. So if you were pointing your gun at them and shooting, you could see who it was and then see them disappear or look at the player menu. Once we turned crosshairs off there was no way to determine who just disconnected from the firefight. This again, will probably be fixed in a future update with a disconnect timer or other game feature. My personal feelings on Side Chat / Server Messages are that they should be allowed until features are introduced to the fill the gap by removing them in the first place. I have noticed a real improvement and just overall better experience since turning it on and I know others have as well. EDIT: Others are doing a great job of pointing out below that the ability to Admin a server was greatly hampered when Side Chat was turned off. I have run into this a couple times as well, where a problem couldn't be addressed as there was no way to quickly contact an admin. On a small tangent. I have friend who plays that is deaf/mute. He told me that when Side Chat was removed it was basically like playing a single player game. He can't hear others that talk using direct VOIP and has shared some sad stories of him basically having to type out: "I am friendly, don't shoot, no sound can't hear you talk" It usually ends with him getting shot before he can finish the sentence. I know that when radio's are introduced it won't help him much either, but he does appreciate having the ability to communicate now.
  18. As the OP, I think the question of can admins modify the mission file has been answered. The answer is no. While Rocket probably has the final say, his dev team have spoken. However, if the dev's have already gone ahead and modified mission files for admins by request then that would be the best route to go. Basically, you can't modify the file, but they can. So maybe a system can be setup where admins can request to have Side chat / Server messages turned on. Or an agreement that no servers will be blacklisted until after the radio feature has been introduced.
  19. This is where the confusion comes in and why I think people are looking to Rocket to give word: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/volmh/i_had_the_chance_to_talk_to_rocket_today/
  20. phisher34

    Side chat re-enabled?

    KidDeath, Which dev's did this for you? As I understand it from this thread: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=26216 It is now considered a blacklist(able) offense. If your server falls into a special category because a Dev member modified the .PBO than I and the dozen other admins who are PM'ing would like to contact him :)
  21. This all started from this post: http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=16261&pid=167064#pid167064 Where apparently a DayZ Dev member changed the mission PBO for their server. Is there a function or ticket system where servers can request to have it on and DayZ members will modify the file? Instead of Server admins.
  22. I've gotten several PM's from server admins asking how to turn side chat / server messages back on. There is definitely a void out there that people are trying to remedy. Ninja Edit: Thank you Dante, Can it be assumed that servers will be blacklisted if they keep side chat on. I will be turning it off when I get home if that is the case.
  23. Dizzy, I am asking for a definitive answer, I am saying that I don't have one. I have never seen one from Rocket. As I clearly pointed out, the information I have is gathered from several other threads on this forum. None of which ever got an official response and even conflicting messages from Dev members and community mods. I also said that what I read was that Rocket preferred people not do it, but allowed it if servers want to. There is a difference between this stance and not allowing it at all. I am also not going to be giving out my personal info (skpe, phone number) to the general public in order to admin a server.
  24. This was posted in the middle of the DDoS attack, hopefully a dev member will comment.